


  • Dr Asma Ahmed

    Asma specialises in microbial process development for converting waste streams and resources to value-added products.
    Engineering Environment Trade waste streams microbial agricultural fertiliser fungi food Water
  • Dr Katarina Schwarz

    Dr Katarina Schwarz is an Associate Professor in Antislavery Law and Policy in the School of Law and Associate Director of the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham. Her research explores the intersections between slavery and the law, from the historical to the contemporary. Schwarz works at the interface of research and policy to deliver evidence-based guidance for contemporary antislavery action. Her Rights Lab research interrogates the law and policy frameworks operating at the global, regional, and domestic level to determine the elements of effective antislavery governance and map trends, successes, and failures.
    History Law Politics Rights Lab Trade modern slavery human trafficking forced labour forced marriage International Law human rights reparations transatlantic slave trade historical injustice
  • Professor Jonathan Farrington

    Professor Farrington's professional background allows him to discuss matters relating to Corporate Finance, International Business, Strategy, Corporate Governance, UK Banking, Start-Ups, and Private Equity.
    Business and economy Mathematics Trade World corporate finance business international strategy Banking start-ups Private equity
  • Dr Patricio Sanchez-Campos

    Dr Sanchez-Campos specialises in the influence of language on society and the way social power abuse and inequalities are reproduced and/or resisted by text and talk.
    Business and economy Communications Cultures Equality Politics Sociology Trade World Media Language higher education social inequality inequality marketing business consumer Consumerism market
  • Khalid Jarral

    Economic diplomacy and the evolution of diplomatic agency; trade, investment, and strategic economic cooperation between states; strategic interests as factors shaping contemporary economic diplomacy, in particular, the current trends and practices in South and Southeast Asia, economic diplomacy, diplomacy,
    Belt and Road Initiative International Relations Trade World domestic decision-making economic issues international negotiations diplomatic methods instruments military diplomacy and the Asian multilateral financial institutions China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) International Relations Trade and Investment
  • Sabina Lawreniuk

    Expertise includes labour rights; working conditions; health and safety; women's rights; women's health; gender-based violence; sexual harassment and violence; human rights; labour activism; trade union organisation; union rights; and labour repression.
    Equality Fashion Rights Lab Trade garment manufacturing industry clothing manufacture labour rights working conditions Women's rights Health and Safety women's health gender-based violence sexual harassment sexual violence human rights labour activism trade union organisation union rights labour repression
  • Professor Sarah Hall

    My work examines the changing place of China in the international financial system with a particular focus on RMB internationalisation and the role of London within this.
  • Professor Martin Liu

    Martin has led the development for the Zhejiang Provincial Branding Academy, a research and education platform co-founded by UNNC and Zhejiang Provincial Government in China, where he contributes to the dialogues of strengthening the innovative branding capabilities of Zhejiang Made brands, specifically in the application of the digital transformation of firms, the education of next-generation branding specialist in the digital world, and in branding consultation to government and enterprises. In 2020, Professor Liu was appointed as chief expert to lead the Ningbo Academy of Social Science's "Dual Circulation and Economic Development Research Base" to contribute to China's policy and economic development.
  • Professor Michele Geraci

    15 years experience in China/Asia policy research, first as head of China at Global Policy Institute London, then head of China Economic Research af Nottingham Uni, Ningbo. Advised western Governments on China policy, trade policy, international relations, china-Eu, China-US relations, China-EU investment agreement.
    +86 139 6712 1554
  • Dr Jinmin Wang

    My research mainly focuses on international strategy of Chinese multinational companies, digital entrepreneurship, business model innovation, industrial clusters and regional development in China.
    0115 7484474 / 07879878957
    Business and economy Trade Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
  • Dr Gerardus Lucas

    How strategic decision makers collect, interpret and act upon performance information pertaining to their organisation.
    0115 9515278
    Business and economy Trade organisational behaviour business collaboration strategic Organisational culture decision makers
  • Dr Chee Meng Tan

    Dr Tan looks at how panda diplomacy, infrastructure investment and Confucius Institutes influence foreign public opinion towards China. Dr Tan also looks at how people's trust in the state is altered when foreign governments engage with China through the three aforementioned Chinese public diplomacy tools.
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy International Relations Trade Panda Diplomacy Trade Confucius Institute diplomacy business China
  • Dr Usman Khalid

    Economist working on the relationships that exist at the cross-section of Economics and Politics. Usman has worked on a variety of topics in the Asian context such as exploring the relationship between firm ownership and carbon emissions in China, and understanding the relationship between trade, outward FDI and economic growth.
    +6 (03) 8924 8255
    Business and economy Environment International Relations Politics Trade Economy Asia Trade politics Sri Lanka Malaysia Pakistan carbon emissions Economic Growth
  • Dr Muhammad Shafiullah

    I have expertise in trade, energy, and economic growth in South Asia.
  • Dr Luke Emeka Okafor

    Economic issues that relate to international trade, regional connectivity, digital transformation, tourism economics, development process, and industrial organization with a specific focus on how firms, industries, and countries respond to globalization and shocks. This includes investigating the interplay between digitalization, economic resilience, and performance as well as COVID-19 effects on firms, industries, and economies.
    +6 (03) 8725 3716
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Education Energy Environment Gender Migration Trade Corruption Governance human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable development goals
  • Dr Sabina Lawreniuk

    Labour rights and working conditions in the garment industry; Global value chains / global production networks; Trade and development; Gender and development; Cambodian politics and economy.
    Business and economy Gender Migration Politics Trade Governance human rights Sustainable development goals
  • Prof Paul Torremans

    I have travelled extensively and delivered guest lecture on legal topics. I therefore know the legal environment well.
  • Mikko Hänninen

    Mikko's expertise lies on any topic related to retailing, specifically e-commerce, the platform economy and customer experience.
    Business and economy Technology Trade retail developments Amazon digital business models digital technology Digital platforms retail consumer services e-commerce platform economy customer experience Business School digital intermediaries black friday consumer behaviour customer behaviour purchase behaviour consumer trends customer trends shopping trends online shopping shopping online high street covid-19 Alibaba

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