Centre for Additive Manufacturing

Pure copper jetted using the exclusive MetalJet technology at the Centre for Additive Manufacturing at University of Nottingham

Centre for Additive Manufacturing past reports

Our extensive research is the culmination of years of combined experience, groundbreaking projects, and innovative studies. In this section, you will find all the reports published by the Centre for Additive Manufacturing. 


These reports provide a comprehensive overview of our journey and showcase the legacy of our contributions to the field of additive manufacturing. Explore our archive to gain valuable insights into the advancements and milestones that have defined our centre's impact on this field. 

Centre for Additive Manufacturing reports

CfAM Biennial Reports

2021-2023 CfAM Biennial Report 2023
2019-2021 FLU_0126_J001888 Biennial Report for the CFAM_V7 COVER
2017-2019 CfAM Annual Report 2017-2019 220-311
2015-2017 CfAM Annual Report 2017 220-311
2014-2015 CfAM Annual Report 2014-2015 220-311
2013-2014 CfAM Annual Report 2013-2014 220-311
2012-2013 CfAM Annual Report 2012-2013 220-311

 EPSRC grants reports

Formulation for 3D printing: Creating a plug and play platform for a disruptive UK industry (2017-21)

Programme Grant Enabling Next Generation Additive Manufacturing - Year 1 (2018-19)

Programme Grant Enabling Next Generation Additive Manufacturing - Year 2 (2019-20)

Programme Grant Enabling Next Generation Additive Manufacturing - Year 3 (2020-21)

Programme Grant Enabling Next Generation Additive Manufacturing - Year 4 (2021-22)

Programme Grant Enabling Next Generation Additive Manufacturing - Year 5 (2022-23)

Programme Grant Enabling Next Generation Additive Manufacturing - Final report (2024)

EPSRC centres reports

Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Additive Manufacturing - Final report (2017)

Other reports


Centre for Additive Manufacturing

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CfAM@nottingham.ac.uk