





Online gambling activities like bingo, poker, betting, or more specific types of gambling, have seen a huge increase in popularity as access is now easily available.  Gambling addiction is when you experience an impulse to gamble, regardless of the consequences. You know the odds are against you but you just can’t stop. However, gambling doesn’t have to be an addiction to impact negatively on your life.

One of the most common results of a gambling addiction or gambling problems is loss of money and debt, but it can also leave you isolated and impact on your relationships and mental health.

Debt due to gambling (or any other addiction) can cause or heighten feelings of shame and guilt, which may make it harder to seek help, but it’s important to get advice if it is causing severe financial hardship. 

Changing your behaviour

Changing your gambling behaviour can be difficult especially if gambling has become a key part of your life. However, there are some practical steps that you can take to start to address the issue.

Places you can visit for support:


NHS Gambling Addiction


What can help

Self-exclusion is a way to limit the amount of online gambling you're able to do by asking the gambling provider to exclude you from gambling for a specified time.

Find further details about self-exclusion here.

To self-exclude go to Gamstop Online, a free, independent self-exclusion scheme for people with online gambling problems. You can also install software onto your phone to block certain websites using gamban, the current price for a single user is £24.99 per year.

Getting help

Support at University

General Practitioner (GP, Doctor)

Cripps Health Centre: 0115 846 8888

Support and Wellbeing

Contact Support and Wellbeing for support. 

Students Union Advice

Students’ Union Advice can help students with information, advice and representation around all aspects of student welfare and education, such as financial, housing and course issues.

0115 846 8730

Support, information and weblinks

Click here to find your nearest Talking therapy services near you

National services and information:

  • National Gambling Helpline on Freephone 0808 8020 133
  • Gamblers anonymous
  • Gambling commission

The University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666