Dietetic Practice Education

Student occupational health (OH)

All students are required to undertake occuaptional health (OH) during their first year of study.

For students' own safety, and that of the service users they come into contact with on placement, it is important that students are fit to practise in the health sector. Students are sent a link to an online health questionnaire in the summer before they arrive for their first year of study.  Responses to questions are reviewed by the OH team who may choose to offer the applicant a full medical examination. It is important to note that all offers of a place are conditional on a satisfactory OH screen that assesses fitness to practise. In line with UCAS guidelines, disability or health concerns can be disclosed on the UCAS form and/or in a letter addressed directly to the Admissions Tutor.  All disclosed information is treated as strictly confidential.

All returning students will also be required to complete an online health questionnaire.  In addition, any MNutr student returning to study following a period of sick leave of more than 4 weeks, or following an interruption to their studies, will also be required to complete an online health questionnaire. 

If there is a concern about a student's health (either physical or mental health or both), the student may be asked to attend an OH appointment.  In such a case, they will need to be deemed fit to practice in the health sector, before they will be allowed to rejoin the course (this applies to both the academic and placement setting). 


Necessary vaccinations for practice education (and service user contact), will be arranged during the first year of the MNutr degree programme. Students with a vaccination card or evidence of previous vaccinations, should bring this information to their OH appointment to avoid unnecessary duplication.

Dietetic Practice Education

North Lab
Sutton Bonington Campus
Loughborough, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 6061