The University of Nottingham has been shortlisted in two categories in the EAUC Green Gown Awards 2023. The Green Gown Awards recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK. There are 16 categories and winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on 30 November 2023.
Nottingham's 2023 finalists and their categories are:
Money for Good
Sustainable Investments - Positive Impact
This is based upon the university's ethical investment of endowments. As well as divesting from fossil fuels, over 30% of our £60m+ university endowment is invested directly into solutions that further the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Find our more.
Student engagement
Conservation on campus - working together for a better future
This submission highlights the fantastic work that the university Grounds Team and the student Conservation Society are doing together to make our campuses more wildlife friendly with their weekly Conservation Sessions. Through tree planting and other activities, the project has saved more than 35tonnes of CO2 so far. Find out more.
More information on all finalists can he found here.

Posted on Monday 31st July 2023