


  • Professor Estelle Derclaye

    Copyright law relating to the protection of works (literary, artistic, musical, dramatic, computer programs, databases, sound recordings, films, technological protection measures), performances and their copyright holders' economic and moral interests. Fair use of works by the public. Use of works on the Internet. Designs (works of applied art). Trade mark law (distinctive signs). Patent law (inventions). Prevention of piracy and counterfeiting. Expertise in UK, European and international aspects of these laws.
    +44 (0)115 951 5735
    Arts and Culture Law Technology World Copyright Law Internet trade mark patents Piracy Counterfeiting Artifical Intelligence AI
  • Professor Sarah Dauncey

    China specialist with 30 years, experience visiting/studying China. Research focuses on the development of new ways of understanding disability in non-Western contexts.
    Arts and Culture China Education Gender History Sociology World Culture history imperial china clothing Fashion Gender disbility Identity rights in china film Literature IAPS identity politics disability and welfare Gender and Sexuality pre-modern and modern Chinese society and culture literature and life writing; late-imperial women's culture and fashion teaching Chinese as a foreign language distance learning Hong Kong Taiwan
  • Dr Charlotte May

    Arts and Culture History Dr Charlotte May Literature nottingham history poetry Romanticism caves
  • Professor Paul Grainge

    American film and television, screen industries, branding and promotion, memory and nostalgia, Hollywood cultural studies.
    +44 (0)115 951 4944
    Arts and Culture America United States film Television screen industries branding promotion memory Nostalgia Culture hollywood
  • Ibtisam Ahmed

    I work on decolonial politics and utopias - how we envision futures that are equitable based on our experiences of the past. I give specific focus to queer identities, religious and spiritual minorities, literature and language, and cultural politics.
    Architecture and Built Environment Art Cultures Gender History Politics Sociology human rights Identity and Rights theology
  • Professor Eugene Ch'ng

    I'm an expert in digital technologies, but in hardcore technical developments (hardware-software integration - VR, AR, MR, XR), applied to culture, and cultural heritage.
    Archaeology Art Belt and Road Initiative Communications Cultures Education Science digital cultural heritage virtual reality augmented reality mixed reality
  • Dr Corey Schultz

    I have a PhD from Goldsmiths (Media & Communications), and a MA in Asian Studies (China Concentration) from UC Berkeley. I have also studied at Fudan University (Shanghai) and Tsinghua University (Beijing). My areas of research focus on contemporary Chinese visual culture and film phenomenology, and I have additional projects in museum studies and the representations of Jews and Jewishness in China.
  • Dr Ian James Kidd

    Asian philosophies and religions Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism ethics of the environment.
    Arts and Culture Environment Philosophy Ancient Chinese philosophy Confucian philosophy Daoist philosophy Buddhist philosophy theology
  • Dr Ruth Maxey

    20th-century and contemporary American literature, especially fiction; Asian American studies; immigrant writing in the United States; American autobiography as a form.
    +44 (0) 115 846 8119 , +44 (0) 7742 919 769
    Arts and Culture Cultures Migration American Literature fiction asian Contemporary Immigrant United States
  • Dr Hongwei Bao

    My research focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) visual and performance culture in contemporary China and transnationally. I also study media and cultural practices in the Chinese diaspora.
    0115 84 67465
    Arts and Culture Communications Cultures Gender History Sociology Identity gay politics China social media Media Asia films Gender sexuality
  • Dr Fui-Theng Leow

    Impact of digital media on information literacy and learning environments, as well as the development of creative media and networked-based pedagogy for education innovation and reform.
    +86 574 8818 8224
    Art Business and economy Communications Education Psychology multimedia instructional design pedagogy social media digital society
  • Professor Andrew White

    China's creative industries with a specific focus on the protection and exploitation for online content, and their business models.
    +86 574 8818 9285
    Art Belt and Road Initiative Communications Cultures Politics Sociology China creative industries online content business models
  • Dr Joaquin Lopez-Mugica

    Intersections between representations of contemporary art and the modern Chinese city.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 0193
    Architecture and Built Environment Art Education Migration China Contemporary Art Chinese cities representation migration
  • Dr Lily Yu

    Translation Studies, feminist translation studies, history of feminist translation, translation of women's writing, translation of feminist writing, women's studies, women in/and translation, gender Studies, gender in/and translation, gender in language, queer in/and translation, memory and translation, interpreters for the Japanese army in the Second Sino-Japanese war, museum narratives, museum text translation, audio-visual translation, comparative literature.
    +86 574 8818 8569
  • Dr Sergio Camacho

    Dr Camacho is interested in the study of traditional music and performing arts practices in Asia in general, with a special focus on Chinese Orchestras as platforms for intercultural performance and their integration with Western orchestral practices, area to which he has contributed both via scholarly research and applied outputs, including several compositions, arrangements and orchestrations.
  • Dr Monica White

    Muscovite expansion into Siberia and the Far East.
    0115 8232177
    Art History Russia Siberia Russian Far East
  • Dr Lonán Ó Briain

    My research is largely focused on mainland Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam. In that region, I study cultural history, intangible cultural heritage, musical infrastructures and audio technologies, cultures of ethnic minority communities and the environment.
    Arts and Culture Communications Education Environment History Music musical cultures southeast asia ethnomusicology cultural anthropology media studies cultural heritage
  • Dr Lucy Jones

    Language, gender and sexuality; feminism and language; queer linguistics; gay and lesbian language; gender politics and language; youth LGBT identities
    0115 748 6089
    Arts and Culture Equality Politics Gender Language and Applied Linguistics sexuality feminism queer linguistics gay and lesbian LGBT
  • Dr Rebecca Senior

    Dr Rebecca Senior is an art historian specialising in visual cultures of violence, monuments, sculpture and material histories.Topics include art, colonialism, British art and material culture, exhibitions, allegory, symbolism, white supremacy, monuments, arts current affairs and art history.
    07933 805754
  • Dr Pierre-Alexis Mével

    Alex is an expert in the translation of works of fiction and can talk about audiovisual translation, film subtitling, dubbing, audio description, language in films and questions of accessibility for diverse audiences. He can also comment on audience reception and reaction to translation and its methods in film and TV.
    +44 (0)115 951 5893
  • Dr Gianluca Sergi

    Film sound, filmmaking practices, Hollywood politics, scriptwriting, Hollywood cinema, Italian cinema.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7466
  • Professor Eugene Ch'ng

    Developing Virtual Reality technology for the production, storage and sharing of cultural heritage spanning large spatial-temporal scales. Develop technology for retrieving, processing, and tools for visual analytics for large social media datasets for understanding phenomena within connected societies.
    +86 574 8818 3049
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Art Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Environment History Science virtual reality augmented reality social media big data Digital heritage virtual heritage computational archaeology
  • Dr Jai Mackenzie

    My primary expertise lies in online parenthood, with my research focusing on how parents build identities, communities, social support and expertise in digital contexts. I am currently working on a British Academy funded project that explores the role of digital media in the lives of LGBT, single, and/or adoptive parents in the UK.During the coronavirus pandemic, digital media has become absolutely essential to the maintenance of our work and social lives, and even our basic survival. As we shift more and more of our daily practices to the digital sphere, we are seeing unprecedented levels of information, advice and social support being offered online. This will be new to a lot of us, at least at these levels, but it is old news to many of the people involved in my research, who are often parenting in extra-ordinary circumstances. The phenomenon of parenting with connection that I have observed in the lives of marginalised families is now becoming relevant to many more people and situations, as we begin to access extra-ordinary levels of social support, expertise and community building through digital networks and technologies.
    0115 748 7215
  • Professor Tom O'Loughlin

    Origins of Christianity; early Christianity in the Roman Empire; early Medieval Christianity in Europe: 400-900; Patristic Theology; maps and religion; Catholicism. The Bible and the history of its use. Religion in Ireland and Celtic Christianity. Women priests. The papacy, ecumenism, the Eucharist. Death in the Middle Ages.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5852
    Arts and Culture Religion christianity Roman Empire theology Catholicism Religion Gender
  • Professor Philip Goodchild

    Philosophy of religion: critical theory. Relation between faith, credit, money, and financial and environmental crises.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5856
    Arts and Culture Religion Religion philosophy Critical Theory Faith money finance Environmental
  • Dr Stephanie Coen

    Stephanie is a health geographer with expertise in gender and health. Areas include: the gender gap in physical activity; gendered aspects of gym environments; gender and health (men's health, women's health); gender/sex and health/medical research data and methods (e.g., male bias in medical research, gender/sex-sensitive approaches to health research); and arts and health research. Stephanie has extensive experience of media interviews both print and broadcast. She is also interested in external consultancy and research collaboration opportunities.
    0115 951 5455
  • Dr Jon Hoover

    Islamic Theology: Christian-Muslim relations. Ibn Taymiyya.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5886
    Arts and Culture Religion Religion theology Islamic christian muslim Relations
  • Dr Christopher Woodard

    I am an expert on philosophical views about well-being and about what makes actions right or wrong.I can contribute to discussions about what well-being really is (as opposed to what causes long life, or good health, for example). I can talk about ethical values or different views about what makes actions right or wrong.Ethics and political philosophy. Especially utilitarianism and philosophical views about well-being.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5844
  • Dr Andrew Harrison

    Dr Harrison's research specialism is DH Lawrence
    +44 (0)115 846 6456
    Arts and Culture Education History D H Lawrence Literature English Andrew Harrison
  • Professor Sarah Badcock

    Russia, the late Imperial and early Soviet period (19th- and early 20th-century); Russia's revolutions; crime and punishment in late Imperial Russia; Siberia; exile in Russia.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6495 , +44 (0) 1949 843 680
    Arts and Culture Russia Imperial Soviet crime punishment Siberia
  • Professor Richard Bell

    New Testament. Theology and science. Christianity and myth. Exorcism. Richard Wagner.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5858
    Arts and Culture Religion Religion humanities christianity Myth theology Science Exorcism
  • Professor Andrew Fisher

    Teaching Philosophy to the young - esp. primary school children. Philosophy of Education - who should teach what? And who decides? Inclusivity in the classroom, safe spaces and trigger warnings, private schools and faith schools - should they exist? Cases for positive discrimination in admission to university. Philosophy of religion - religion vs science, reasons for/against God, demarcation of religion etc; Ethics - moral truth, moral facts, God and morality - how could they be linked? Applied ethics, normative ethics. Equality, diversity and inclusion - implicit bias, stereotype threat, chilly climates, decolonization of the curriculum, microaggressions, gender and sex, etc.
    0115 846 7647
  • Dr Spencer Jordan

    Creative writing (the novel and the short story); historical and experimental writing; digital/hypertext fiction; and literary geography, particularly as it relates to the digitally-enhanced context of the smart city.
    +44 (0)115 95 19413
    Arts and Culture Creative Writing Writing historical writing Hypertext fiction
  • Dr Dag Yngvesson

    Indonesian cinema from 1950-present. Local/regional comparative politics of cinematic form and style. Relation between cinema and other screen/performing arts. Relation between local literatures (historical and contemporary) and cinema. Cinema as a local political/counter-hegemonic tool. Javanese philosophy & historiography. Politics of Sukarno era, Suharto era, and Reformasi in relation to cinema and other mass media.
    +6 (03) 8924 8704
    Art Communications Cultures Media film Indonesia southeast asia Malaysia Thailand cinema politics java Sukarno Suharto Reformasi
  • Tim Hutchings

    Religion and digital media; religion and the news; online Christian communities and online churches; death and grief online
    +44 (0)115 846 8935
    Arts and Culture Communications Religion digital Religion grief online news Media christianity
  • Dr Nicola Royan

    Late medieval and early modern historiography. Kingship and national identity. Early Scottish literature and the reception of humanism.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5922
    Arts and Culture English Medieval history scotland scottish
  • Professor Judith Jesch

    Viking studies. Runic inscriptions. Old Norse.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5925
    Arts and Culture History English viking Studies age
  • Professor Nicola Pitchford

    mobile technologies, child development, basic skills, literacy, numeracy, primary school education, childhood cancer, preterm birth, childhood stroke, childhood deprivation, poverty, tablet technology, assisted learning, education, Malawi, South Africa, Brazil, childhood brain tumours
    +44 (0) 115 9515287
    Arts and Culture Children Education Health and Medicine Politics Science Technology World mobile technologies Child development basic skills Literacy numeracy primary school education childhood cancer preterm birth childhood stroke childhood deprivation poverty tablet technology assisted learning education Malawi South Africa Brazil childhood brain tumours
  • Professor Julian Henderson

    Science and archaeology. Ancient technologies, particularly glass, ceramics, metals and stone. Islamic archaeology in Syria. Scientific techniques used in archaeology. Silk Road
    +44 (0) 115 951 4840
    Archaeology Arts and Culture Belt and Road Initiative Cultures Environment History Science archaeology Ancient technology Islamic syria silk road Asia China Japan Indonesia turkey Kazakhstan Tajikistan Hong Kong history
  • Dr Gabriele Neher

    Northern Italian Renaissance painting, especially in Venice, Brescia, Moretto and Romanino. The Italian courts in the Renaissance. Renaissance women. Altar pieces 1500-1600. Caravaggio. Tudor and Elizabethan courts; prodigy houses, especially Hardwick, Wollaton and Burghley. Also Thoresby Hall and Estate. The use of social media for teaching and peer mentoring.
    + 44 (0)115 9513184, +44 (0)115 942 1507
    Architecture and Built Environment Arts and Culture Education Gender Technology Art Italy renaissance painting Venice Brescia Moretto Romanino women Altar pieces Caravaggio Tudor Elizabethan Hardwick Hall wollaton hall Burghley Thoresby Estate social media Mentoring Peer mentoring
  • Dr Julian Stringer

    Hollywood. East Asian cinema. Issues of film historiography. Cultural politics of international film festivals.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4846
    Arts and Culture Communications Cultures hollywood asian cinema film history Culture politics international
  • Dr Hannah O'Regan

    The history of brown bears in Britain cave archaeology
    +44 (0)115 951 4843
    Animals Arts and Culture History Bears archaeology britain archaeology
  • Dr Karen Salt

    Dr Salt directs the Centre for Research in Race and Rights at the University of Nottingham. She is an expert on sovereignty, race, collective activism and systems of governance.
    0115 84 86459
    Arts and Culture Equality the History of Race Racial Politics Haiti and Caribbean Cultures activism social justice equality and diversity Minority Cultures in the UK Community Trust
  • Dr Alison Milbank

    Theology and culture: literature, art, architecture, film and music; religious aesthetics and ideas of the beautiful, ugly, horrific; Gothic and horror fiction and its relation to religion; Dante; Anglican theology, especially ecclesiology and the nature of the church; GK Chesterton and JRR Tolkien.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7209
    Arts and Culture Religion theology Religion Culture Literature Art Architecutre Gothic Horror
  • Dr Conor Cunningham

    The relation between science and religion. Theology and Darwin's theory of evolution.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7390
    Arts and Culture Religion Science Science Religion theology evolution
  • Professor Norbert Schmitt

    English as a second language. Applied linguistics. Vocabulary issues. Language testing.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4847 , +44 (0) 115 929 6823
    Arts and Culture English Language Lingustics Second Language vocabulary testing
  • Dr Christina Lee

    Viking studies. Vikings in Britain. Anglo-Saxon studies. Old English. Disease and disability in early medieval England. Food and drink in early medieval funerary rites. Women in Anglo-Saxon England. Viking women.
    +44 (0)115 846 7194
    Arts and Culture History Vikings Anglo-Saxon Old English Medieval English Norse women Funerary rites
  • Professor Bruce Stafford

    Policy evaluation. Social security, especially the delivery and implementation of initiatives and welfare to work policies. Disability issues, notably the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the New Deal for Disabled People.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7439
    Arts and Culture sociology social policy Evaluation Security welfare disability discrimination Disabled people
  • Ms Deborah Kitson

    Safeguarding procedures or vulnerable adults. Developing safer services.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5400
    Arts and Culture Politics sociology safeguarding Ann Craft Trust vulernable Vulnerable adults vulnerable people services
  • Emmanuele Lazzara

    Sexuality, gender identity and related discrimination patters in Chinese society (China and Taiwan), also linked to Christianity and its impact upon attitudes towards sexual minorities(LGBT).
    +44 (0)7922 79 0434
    Arts and Culture China Crime Law sexuality gender identity discrimination China christianity IAPS
  • Dr Rachael Clawson

    Forced marriage Forced marriage of people with learning disabilities; Safeguarding and social work responses to forced marriage
    +44 (0)115 846 7010, +44 (0)7757 264 489
    Arts and Culture Children Education Law forced marriage learning disabilities mental health
  • Professor Mervyn Cooke

    Music of Benjamin Britten. Film music. Jazz. 20th-century music. Gamelan music and Japanese music.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4762
    Arts and Culture music history jazz film Japan Japanese
  • Professor Geoff Hall

    English language use in everyday life; language and literature in education; English language teaching; reading
    +86 (0)574 8818 0000 (ext. 8947)
    Arts and Culture english literature english language education teaching Reading
  • Professor Elizabeth Harvey

    Twentieth-century Germany, particularly Weimar Germany, National Socialist Germany and the Second World War; occupied Poland during the Second World War; women, gender and gender relations in 20th-century Europe. History of John Player's and Nottingham.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5940
    Arts and Culture History history german Germany Socialist World War poland women Gender Europe nottingham
  • Emeritus Professor Alan Sommerstein

    Ancient Greek theatre and drama; law and society; language. Oaths in ancient Greece.
    +44 (0) 7930 395 462
    Arts and Culture history Ancient greek classics theatre drama Law society Language
  • Dr Zachary Hoskins

    Moral, legal, and political philosophy, especially the philosophy of criminal law. 'Collateral' restrictions on people with criminal records - legal restrictions on jobs, voting, and other goods aren't treated as part of the formal punishment but are often more burdensome than the punishment itself. Are these policies justified and if so when and why?
    +44 (0) 7864 944426
    Arts and Culture philosophy humanities Legal Law criminal law political Restrictions
  • Dr Will Bowden

    Roman Britain and the Roman Mediterranean, including major excavations in Albania and Caistor. The end of the Roman Empire and its effects on people.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4830
    Arts and Culture humanities archaeology roman Roman Archaeology Roman Britain mediterranean Mediterranean Archaeology Roman Empire
  • Dr Nicholas Baragwanath

    Music theory from 1700; 19th-century opera; Wagner; Alban Berg; Puccini; music analysis; 19th-century piano music; Russian music 1860-1917; Frankfurt School critical theory.
    +44 (0) 115 951 3246
    Arts and Culture History music Theory history opera russian piano
  • Dr Neil Sinclair

    Ethics and ethical language: the use of ethical language such as 'good' and 'morally abhorrent' to influence people's actions, to increase emotional tension and how the use of moral language falls in and out of fashion in politics. Environmental ethics: our obligations to the natural world and the notion of sustainability.
    +44 (0) 115 951 3428
    Arts and Culture History ethics ethical Language Environmental Sustainability
  • Dr Mark Bradley

    History, society and culture of the Roman world. Primary sensory experiences of ancient Rome - the colours, sounds, smells and tastes experienced by Romans and how they approached cleanliness and hygiene.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4814
    Arts and Culture humanities history society Culture roman Roman Empire colour sound Ancient
  • Professor Andrew Leyshon

    Geographies of money and finance, especially financial exclusion such as bank branch closure, financial literacy and alternative financial institutions such as Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS). Geographies of the music industry, especially the impact of 'software formats' such as MP3, internet distribution systems and peer-to-peer networks. Geographies of e-commerce.
    +44 (0)115 8466147/07944 686843
    Arts and Culture Business and economy Technology Geography money finance bank branch closure Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) music software MP3 Internet peer-to-peer networks e-commerce
  • Professor Peter Stockwell

    Science fiction. Sociolinguistics — accent and dialect, standard English, language and education. Cognitive poetics — language, mind and literature.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5908
    Arts and Culture English Science fiction Sociolinguistics Accent Dialect Language education Poetics Literature
  • Professor James Moran

    Twentieth-century British and Irish drama; Literature and theater of the Irish in Britain; The work of Sean O'Casey; Literary representations of the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland; .Literary modernism; Literary history of Nottingham and Birmingham.
    +44 (0) 115 896 7893
    Arts and Culture English Literature Theater drama Britain history nottingham Birmingham
  • Dr Paul Cavill

    Meaning and history of English place names. Literature of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7549 , +44 (0) 116 233 5169
    Arts and Culture English history Meaning place names Literature Anglo Saxon Vikings
  • Dr Peter Kirwan

    Shakespeare and early modern drama; seventeenth-century literature; Shakespeare in adaptation; Shakespeare on film; authorship and attribution; contemporary performance of early modern drama; Shakespeare editing and book history; reviewing practice.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5521
    Arts and Culture Shakespeare English theatre film performance early drama
  • Dr Kevin Harvey

    Lecturer in socio-linguistics, health communication and adolescents, vague language in healthcare contexts, taboo and language censoring, medical dilemmas in teenage email messages. Comedy, jokes, and puns.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7497
    Arts and Culture English Linguistics health Adolescents Language Taboo Censoring medical email Teenage comedy
  • Professor Zoe Trodd

    Contemporary slavery and human trafficking; historical and contemporary antislavery movements; antislavery campaigns; the voices of slavery survivors. Professor Trodd is Director of the Rights Lab, a University Beacon of Excellence.
    Arts and Culture History Politics Rights Lab Protest social justice Contemporary Slavery human trafficking American and British slavery civil rights Racism segregation and lynching gay rights photography America Literature American Civil War memory memorialisation
  • Professor Peter Messent

    Mark Twain. Detective fiction. 20th-century American literature. American realism and naturalism. American crime fiction. The modern American novel from 1880 to present. Narrative theory. Hemingway.
    +44 (0) 115 878 0940
    Arts and Culture Detective fiction American Literature Realism naturalism crime Novel
  • Professor Nicola Mclelland

    German grammar. Language, nation and identity. Spelling reforms. Language standardisation, standard languages. History of modern language education in the UK. Medieval German literature. Modern language teaching and learning in the UK.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5815
    Arts and Culture Brexit Culture Art german Language Grammar nation spelling history education teaching
  • Professor Matthias Uecker

    Theory and history of media, especially in Germany (film, journalism, television). German cinema since 1920s. Modern German literature (20th century), especially culture and society in the Weimar Republic and documentary literature. Writers Alexander Klude, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Erik Reger, Thomas Mann.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5818 , +44 (0) 115 925 1449
    Arts and Culture Theory history Media Germany journalism film Television modern Literature
  • Professor Judith Newman

    Contemporary American and Postcolonial fiction, especially South African. Women's writing. 19th-century American writing and slavery, especially Harriet Beecher Stowe.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4351
    Arts and Culture American Contemporary postcolonial fiction South Africa women Writing slavery
  • Professor Bernard McGuirk

    Modern Spanish American, Brazilian, Spanish, Portuguese and French literatures. Critical theory.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5963
    Arts and Culture spain Spanish American Brazilian Portuguese French Literature Theory
  • Professor Antoni Kapcia

    Modern and contemporary Cuban history and politics.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5801
    Arts and Culture Cuba Cuban history politics modern Contemporary
  • Jane-Marie Collins

    19th-century Brazilian slave society, focusing on gender and resistance. 19th-century Latin American history, with particular attention to issues of race and gender.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5808
    Arts and Culture Brazil Brazilian Slave society Gender resistance Latin American history race
  • Dr Siggy Frank

    The work of Vladimir Nabokov, author of the famous novel Lolita, especially his dramas. The history of the Russian emigration in the interwar period in Berlin, Paris and New York.
    +44 (0) 115 846 8671
    Arts and Culture Literature drama Russia Russian Berlin Paris New York
  • Dr Stephen Roberts

    Contemporary Spain and its literature, politics, culture, film and thought.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5806
    Arts and Culture Contemporary spain Literature Culture politics film Thought Modern Foreign Language
  • Dr Paul Gladston

    Contemporary Chinese art and critical theory.
    +44 (0) 115 823 2264
    Arts and Culture China Art Culture Theory Contemporary chinese art Critical Theory IAPS
  • Dr Maike Oergel

    National myths in England and Germany between the 18th and the 20th-centuries. King Arthur. Siegfried. Myth in literature. Modern literature as myth. The Celts and Anglo-Saxons in 18th and 19th-century English thought. Romantic literary theory. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Historicity and theory (18th and early 19th-centuries). Construction of national identities (English and German).
    +44 (0) 115 951 5819
    Arts and Culture National myths England Germany history Literature Romantic Theory Identities
  • Dr Liz Evans

    Multiplatform content. British and US television. Television audiences, television industry and television drama. Video games. Web series. Social Media.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4241
    Arts and Culture British us Television audiences Industry drama games social media
  • Dr Graham Thompson

    19th-century American literature, especially Herman Melville; American magazines and print culture; business and work in American culture; American culture in the 1980s; sexuality in America.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4269
    Arts and Culture American Literature magazine print Culture business sexuality
  • Dr Gareth Stockey

    Contemporary Spain; the history of the Spanish Civil war, Franco dictatorship; the history of Gibraltar and its relationship with Spain; archaeology; memory and tourism of the Spanish Civil War
    +44 (0)115 84 67487
    Arts and Culture Brexit History Politics War and security World gibraltar Spanish Civil War Franco dictatorship archeology Tourism
  • Dr David Norris

    Cultural, historical, linguistic and political issues relating to former Yugoslavia and its successor states (especially Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro).
    +44 (0)115 951 5828
    Arts and Culture Brexit History Politics World Former Yugoslavia Serbia Croatia Bosnia Montenegro history poltics
  • Dr Dirk Goettsche

    Theory and history of the German novel and narrative writing since mid-18th-century. Early modernism, particularly Austrian literature. Modern German short prose. Colonialism, postcolonialism and cross-cultural experience in German literature and the discourse on Africa. Writers Ingeborg Bachmann and Wilhelm Raabe.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6297
    Arts and Culture Languages german Theory history Writing Novel 18th century Literature
  • Dr Catherine Johnson

    Contemporary and historical television; US, UK and European television; science fiction and fantasy television; screen promotion (trailers, idents, logos etc); television industries; public service broadcasting; branding and audiovisual advertising (including sponsorship, advertiser-funded television); audiovisual archives; regional UK television (ITV); television and digital media (e.g. television on-demand, pay-TV, television online).
    +44 (0) 115 846 8118
    Arts and Culture Television us uk European fiction Fantasy screen film broadcast regional National
  • Professor Shujie Yao

    Quantitative methods and applied econometrics. Development and agricultural economics. Microeconomics/business economics/international business and finance. Economic growth, income distribution and poverty. Economic development in China.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6322
    Arts and Culture World Chinese China Economy Econometrics agriculture business International Relations finance IAPS

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