


  • Dr Lara Bianchi

    Dr Bianchi's areas of expertise are Business and Human Rights; Workers' Rights in Global Value Chains; Stakeholder Engagement; Business Ethics.Dr Bianchi is an Associate Professor in Business and Society, who looks at the impacts and responsibilities of businesses on people and planet.
    +44 (0)115 846 6135
    Business and economy Gender Rights Lab War and security human rights Sustainable development goals business Workers’ Rights Global Value Chains stakeholder engagement Business Ethics
  • Rachel Saunders

    Rachel has expertise in human rights, transgender legal issues in the UK, and women's legal issues more broadly. She has also actively been campaigning for LGBTQI+ rights since 2000.
    Equality Gender Law Sociology transgender rights human rights Law Rights Equality Gender sexuality women LGBT LGBTQ transgender
  • Diego García Rodríguez

    Diego's area of expertise spans across the Sociology of Religion (Examining the role of religion in shaping individual identities and experiences, particularly within LGBTIQ+ communities); lived experiences of LGBTIQ+ individuals, paying particular attention to intersecting factors such as gender, sexuality, race, and religion; Refugee and Asylum Studies, including the experiences of LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum seekers, including the challenges they encounter in accessing protection, rights, and support services.
    Children Cultures Equality Gender Geography Politics Religion Sociology sociology Religion LGBTIQ+ Community Gender sexuality race refugee asylum seekers Support protection
  • Professor Sarah Dauncey

    China specialist with 30 years, experience visiting/studying China. Research focuses on the development of new ways of understanding disability in non-Western contexts.
    Arts and Culture China Education Gender History Sociology World Culture history imperial china clothing Fashion Gender disbility Identity rights in china film Literature IAPS identity politics disability and welfare Gender and Sexuality pre-modern and modern Chinese society and culture literature and life writing; late-imperial women's culture and fashion teaching Chinese as a foreign language distance learning Hong Kong Taiwan
  • Dr Lorna Treanor

    Lorna has a strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and she possesses expertise in inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation.
    Business and economy Education Equality Gender Equality Diversity Inclusion business Entrepreneurship Gender women Ethnic minority finance
  • Dr Christopher Pich

    Dr Christopher Pich's topic area focuses on political marketing, political branding and voter engagement.
    0115 846 6687
    American Politics Brexit Business and economy Communications Gender Geography International Relations Law Politics Sociology War and security World political brands political marketing communications elections uk international local voter engagement voter behaviour Polls referendum politics Parties Labour conservative
  • Dr Luis Torres

    Impact of the international hard/soft regulation framework on corporate responsibility strategies, the development of models for corporate social performance and sustainability reporting, and the implications of the international human rights framework for Chinese businesses.
    +86 74 8818 8706
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Gender Law corporate social responsibility human rights China Belt and Road Initiative
  • Dr Andri Georgiadou

    Expert on diversity management, gender equality and international perspectives on equality at work.
    0115 748 7569
    Business and economy Education Gender gender discrimination Inclusion Business alumni
  • Dr Yuwei Xu

    Dr Xu is a sociologist of (early) childhood, education, and gender. His expertise includes gender and men in early childhood education, LGBT teachers, child agency, child-centred diversity and quality education, parenting, parent-child reading, international higher education, and women in STEM.
    Education Equality Gender Sociology childhood education Gender Men LGBT teachers LGBTQ+ child agency child-centred diversity child-centred diversity and quality education diversity at school schools parenting parent-child reading women in STEM internationalisation of higher education international higher education Men in early childhood education Gender-sensitive teacher training Children's Perspectives
  • Karma Tashi Choedron

    Karma's primary research focus is on modern-day slavery (Trafficking in Persons), i.e. on migrant workers in Malaysia, South and Southeast Asia. Research is primarily focused on oil palm companies and the manufacturing industry and its supply chain, including certification bodies.
    +6 03 8925 3563
    Environment Gender International Relations Religion Rights Lab Trafficking in Persons Marginalised/Displaced Communities Gender Environmental Ethics conservation Traditional/Indigenous Knowledge buddhism sikhism modern-day slavery modern slavery migrant workers oil palm companies manufacturing industry supply chains certification bodies Social Injustice
  • Dr Chuma Owuamalam

    My research aims to understand how social identities and inequalities that exist in societies shape the outcomes of people from a variety of backgrounds (including race, gender, sexual orientation and so on). One guiding goal is to find evidence-based solutions to issues arising from social class divides that does not create more side effects than the problem itself.
    +6 (03) 8924 8721
    Cultures Education Gender Psychology Identity and Rights Social identities system justification hate crime Terrorism compassion stereotypes/social judgements prosocial behaviour
  • Professor May-Tan Mullins

    My research interests are political ecology of rising China, environmental and energy justice, poverty alleviation and building resilience for the poorest and most vulnerable. One research strand is the rise of the smart eco city and a second strand of my work is to help communities alleviate poverty, particularly in a post-disaster context.
    Belt and Road Initiative Cultures Education Environment Gender History International Relations Politics Governance human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Ibtisam Ahmed

    I work on decolonial politics and utopias - how we envision futures that are equitable based on our experiences of the past. I give specific focus to queer identities, religious and spiritual minorities, literature and language, and cultural politics.
    Architecture and Built Environment Art Cultures Gender History Politics Sociology human rights Identity and Rights theology
  • Dr Don Lee

    Comparative political institutions and regime types; Comparative political economy; public administration and policy in Asia
    07848 116 415
    Business and economy Gender Politics Political Economy comparative presidential studies Public Policy public management North Asia southeast asia
  • Dr Bjarke Liboriussen

    Digital media in China with special attention to video games, gendering of gamer identity, gamer culture, the intersection of social media and video games, video games as popular heritage. The creative industries in China with special attention to the use of tools and technologies in creative work, generational difference.
    +86 (0)754 8818 8992
    Communications Cultures Gender games gaming China e-sports
  • Dr Xuan Feng

    I have extensive research experience with local Chinese government, Chinese and international companies and healthcare sectors in China. My research areas include: Leadership Development, Talent Policy Research, HRM, Organisational Career Development. I have won multiple municipal research grants and municipal teaching and research awards/recognitions. I also teaches in executive education programmes and has delivered teaching sessions in International HRM, change management and work design.
  • Dr Xi Chen

    How the transition in emerging market influences individuals' justice perception, identity, and behaviors. How can entrepreneurs build social networks and navigate the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8556
    Business and economy Gender Psychology Identity and Rights women entrepreneurship intergenerational cooperation Organizational change
  • Dr Michael Mustafa

    My expertise is on SMEs and Asian Family Business and how they have developed in response to the institutional environments of ASEAN
  • Dr Hongwei Bao

    My research focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) visual and performance culture in contemporary China and transnationally. I also study media and cultural practices in the Chinese diaspora.
    0115 84 67465
    Arts and Culture Communications Cultures Gender History Sociology Identity gay politics China social media Media Asia films Gender sexuality
  • Gayathry Venkiteswaran

    Expert in journalism, press freedom, freedom of expression, media reforms, digital rights as well as media and gender in Southeast Asia. Dr Venkiteswaran has also done research on the intersections of online rights with freedom of religion and freedom of association and assembly.
    Communications Gender Press Freedom Media disinformation political economy of the media hate speech freedom of expression journalism
  • Dr Zhuo Chen

    Professor Chen brings expertise on public health systems in the US and China with perspectives from health economics and health policies. He has contributed to the understanding of social determinants in China and how policies may be relevant in improving health among less privileged populations including older adults.
    +86 (0)574 8818 8565
    Business and economy Gender Health and Medicine Economics of genomics health disparities social determinants of health big data analysis forecasting health workforce
  • Dr Lily Yu

    Translation Studies, feminist translation studies, history of feminist translation, translation of women's writing, translation of feminist writing, women's studies, women in/and translation, gender Studies, gender in/and translation, gender in language, queer in/and translation, memory and translation, interpreters for the Japanese army in the Second Sino-Japanese war, museum narratives, museum text translation, audio-visual translation, comparative literature.
    +86 574 8818 8569
  • Dr Melissa Yoong

    I research and publish in the area of language, gender, employment, family care and female economic migration in Southeast Asia. My work critically examines how text and talk in institutional, media and public domains contribute to and present gender inequalities as natural and even desirable.
    Business and economy Gender Migration Politics Sociology Identity and Rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Ping Du

    My expertise is in intercultural workplace communication in China, especially in the area of conflict resolution. My research is at the interface of sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and social psychology. I collect and analyse ethnographic data including audio-recordings of meetings, participant interviews, organizational documents, emails and observation notes. My monograph was titled as Intercultural Communication in the Chinese Workplace by Palgrave.
    Communications Cultures Gender Psychology intercultural communication workplace communication conflict communication Discourse analysis Conflict resolution Identity and Rights
  • Dr Hazel Melanie Ramos

    My work is primarily on the management of employees in various business contexts focusing on the attitudes and organisational contexts that affect performance and behaviours at work. I research employee wellbeing, worklife conflicts and psychological ownership. One of my key areas of research is the management of employees in family businesses and SMEs in Asia.
    Business and economy Education Gender Philosophy Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Mary Jane Ainslie

    Dr. Mary J. Ainslie is an Associate Professor specializing in culture and media throughout Southeast Asia, with specific emphasis upon Thailand and Malaysia, as well as the wider intercultural links between the East and Southeast Asia regions. She is Deputy Head of the School of International Communications at the University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus. Dr. Ainslie has received funding for a range of projects from various international organizations, including the Academy of Korean Studies, the Korea Foundation and the Vidal Sassoon Centre for the Study of Antisemitism (for studies in which she was project leader). She organized the first symposium to study the consumption and reception of Korean pop culture in Southeast Asia and regularly presents her work in Europe, Israel, Korea and across Southeast Asia. She has previously worked for the Bangkok International Film Festival and was an invited speaker at the Khon Kaen International Film Festival. She has published in journals such as The China Quarterly, Korea Journal, The Women's Studies International Journal and The Asia Pacific Journal, as well as in numerous edited collections. To date she is editor of the volume 'The Korean Wave in Southeast Asia: Consumption and Cultural Production' (2015), 'Thai Cinema: The Complete Guide' (2018), 'Southeast Asia on Screen: From Independence to Financial Crisis (1945-1997)' (2020) has edited a special edition of the 'Horror Studies Journal' (2015), and is currently co-editing 'The Southeast Asian Gothic collection'. Her monograph 'Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Malaysia: Malay nationalism, philosemitism and pro-Israel expressions' was published in 2019, while her forthcoming monograph is under contract with Edinburgh University Press. In 2020 she was made an External Affiliate at the Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa.
    +86(0)574 8818 0000 (8173)
  • Dr Luke Emeka Okafor

    Economic issues that relate to international trade, regional connectivity, digital transformation, tourism economics, development process, and industrial organization with a specific focus on how firms, industries, and countries respond to globalization and shocks. This includes investigating the interplay between digitalization, economic resilience, and performance as well as COVID-19 effects on firms, industries, and economies.
    +6 (03) 8725 3716
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Education Energy Environment Gender Migration Trade Corruption Governance human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable development goals
  • Dr Uditi Sen

    I am a historian of modern India who works on migration, gender, refugee memory and politics of nation-building. My book, Citizen Refugee, explores how refugees from Eastern Pakistan struggled to rebuild lives in India. I have also researched and published on Indian women's participation in nation-building, and the conflict between tribal and settler communities in the Andaman Islands.
    Environment Gender History War and security human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable development goals India South Asia refugee Bengal memory oral history Diaspora Feminism
  • Dr Eleanor Seymour

    Dr Seymour is an expert in gender and conflict. She has a specific focus on sexual and gender based violence in conflict and post-conflict societies
    Crime Gender Law Rights Lab Sociology War and security sexual violence gender-based violence Gender relations Conflict society post-conflict societies international courts sociology anthropology Gender studies human rights International Law
  • Dr Sabina Lawreniuk

    Labour rights and working conditions in the garment industry; Global value chains / global production networks; Trade and development; Gender and development; Cambodian politics and economy.
    Business and economy Gender Migration Politics Trade Governance human rights Sustainable development goals
  • Sasha Garwood

    Sasha works on the connections between gender, sexuality, and food in culture, including eating disorders and the history of the body.
    Food Gender History anorexia Eating Disorders Gender women's bodies women's history
  • Dr Shalini Ojha

    Neonatal and Child health research with particular focus on nutrition and improving survival of newborn infants. I am also interested in studies linking women's well-being and socio-economic interventions that link to children health. Supported by MRC and GCRF grants and in collaboration with Neonatologists based in India and Malaysia, Dr Ojha is leading studies into neonatal nutrition focused at reduction in neonatal mortality a key target with SDG3. She also has links with neonatal academics in China and her global health work also includes work in Kenya, Africa.
    +44 7469 037398
    Gender Health and Medicine neonatal women's empowerment women's health Child Health India China Malaysia
  • Dr Jai Mackenzie

    My primary expertise lies in online parenthood, with my research focusing on how parents build identities, communities, social support and expertise in digital contexts. I am currently working on a British Academy funded project that explores the role of digital media in the lives of LGBT, single, and/or adoptive parents in the UK.During the coronavirus pandemic, digital media has become absolutely essential to the maintenance of our work and social lives, and even our basic survival. As we shift more and more of our daily practices to the digital sphere, we are seeing unprecedented levels of information, advice and social support being offered online. This will be new to a lot of us, at least at these levels, but it is old news to many of the people involved in my research, who are often parenting in extra-ordinary circumstances. The phenomenon of parenting with connection that I have observed in the lives of marginalised families is now becoming relevant to many more people and situations, as we begin to access extra-ordinary levels of social support, expertise and community building through digital networks and technologies.
    0115 748 7215
  • Dr Kate Law

    Zimbabwean history, South African history, Imperialism and Empire, Gender history, Women's history, Feminist History,Also history of British Anti-apartheid movement, history of contraception.
    0115 748 7254
  • Dr Debra Costley

    My research and expertise is in autism and the best educational options for children and young people on the autism spectrum, with a focus on girls, anxiety, social and emotional functioning. The support needed by autistic teachers is also a particular focus.Topics I can comment on include autism and girls schooling; home-schooling; alternative provision; autism and anxiety; impact on learning and on post-16 opportunities; interventions, preparation and support for teachers in inclusive schools.
    0115 9513706
    Children Education Gender Autism educational research School children school young people
  • Dr Stephanie Coen

    Stephanie is a health geographer with expertise in gender and health. Areas include: the gender gap in physical activity; gendered aspects of gym environments; gender and health (men's health, women's health); gender/sex and health/medical research data and methods (e.g., male bias in medical research, gender/sex-sensitive approaches to health research); and arts and health research. Stephanie has extensive experience of media interviews both print and broadcast. She is also interested in external consultancy and research collaboration opportunities.
    0115 951 5455
  • Professor Andrew Fisher

    Teaching Philosophy to the young - esp. primary school children. Philosophy of Education - who should teach what? And who decides? Inclusivity in the classroom, safe spaces and trigger warnings, private schools and faith schools - should they exist? Cases for positive discrimination in admission to university. Philosophy of religion - religion vs science, reasons for/against God, demarcation of religion etc; Ethics - moral truth, moral facts, God and morality - how could they be linked? Applied ethics, normative ethics. Equality, diversity and inclusion - implicit bias, stereotype threat, chilly climates, decolonization of the curriculum, microaggressions, gender and sex, etc.
    0115 846 7647
  • Professor Michèle Clarke

    The environment, climate and ecology of the Asia-Pacific region for the last 30 years, including the complexity of their interactions with society, heritage and cultures. Recent themes have included agriculture and rural development; cultural and built heritage; low carbon and clean energy; rapid urbanisation and sustainable cities; and the energy-water-food nexus.
    0115 951 5446
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Cultures Education Energy Engineering Environment Gender History Migration Science Veterinary climate society sustainable development energy ecosystems Cities Water agriculture heritage Asia
  • Dr Sarah Jewitt

    Gender and environmental management. Forest use and management in India during the colonial and post-colonial period. Socio-cultural importance of forests and their role in community-based resource management. Technology transfers and the displacement of indigenous agro-ecological knowledge. The impact of 30 years of Green Revolution in India. Political ecology of natural resource management in Eastern India, intra- and inter- community variations in environmental knowledge possession and management capacity in Jharkhand, India.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5450
    Environment Gender Geography Rights Lab Geography Environment Gender Forest India Colonial post-colonial Community technology political Indian IAPS
  • Dr Esther Bott

    'Niche' tourism markets and how local people negotiate them. Expertise in ethnographic research on: orphanage tourism in Nepal; 'tribal' tourism in Vietnam; adventure tourism in Nepal, Thailand (and Jordan and Patagonia). Currently working on a project exploring micro-finance, children's health and women's 'empowerment' in poor communities in Bihar, India.
    07985 652 137
    Cultures Gender Migration Sociology Tourism poverty power dignity Asia tribal tourism adventure tourism micro-finance women health
  • Dr Gabriele Neher

    Northern Italian Renaissance painting, especially in Venice, Brescia, Moretto and Romanino. The Italian courts in the Renaissance. Renaissance women. Altar pieces 1500-1600. Caravaggio. Tudor and Elizabethan courts; prodigy houses, especially Hardwick, Wollaton and Burghley. Also Thoresby Hall and Estate. The use of social media for teaching and peer mentoring.
    + 44 (0)115 9513184, +44 (0)115 942 1507
    Architecture and Built Environment Arts and Culture Education Gender Technology Art Italy renaissance painting Venice Brescia Moretto Romanino women Altar pieces Caravaggio Tudor Elizabethan Hardwick Hall wollaton hall Burghley Thoresby Estate social media Mentoring Peer mentoring
  • Dr Simon Roberts

    PI on International Social Security Association study of gaps in social protection including Australia, India and Thailand. Senior EU Expert on EU-China Social Security Reform Co-operation Project, Senior EU Expert providing technical assistance for capacity building in social security for Turkey. Co-Investigator (Policy and Governance) on Leverhulme Trust Sustainable Urban Habitats programme with empirical data from Shanghai.
    0115 846 7767
    Environment Gender Law Migration social policy social security pensions healthcare EU law institutional capacity building Governance Evaluation China Thailand turkey India

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