


  • Alexus McNally

    Alexus is an Haitian-American human rights attorney with a background in criminal defence, international law, and project management, as well as a children's book author.
    Children Crime Equality International Relations Law World Haiti Haitian law Law international criminal law crime Criminal children books
  • Dr Natalie Hodgson

    Natalie is available to speak about the law and processes of the International Criminal Court, as well as issues of international criminal law more broadly.
    Equality Law Migration Politics Sociology World international Criminal court asylum Rwanda offshore processing
  • Mariana Almeida Kato

    Mariana expertise surrounds French Constitutional Law, mainly focused on French Constitutional Council, Separation of Powers, Governmental Powers, and Presidential Powers; Brazilian Constitutional Law, mainly focused on Brazilian Supreme Courts, Separation of Powers and Democracy; United States Supreme Court, mainly focused on ethics, transparency, appointment of judges; Courts and social media communications, ethics, transparency, public participation.
    Communications Law World France Brazil constitutional law constitution Government supreme courts separation of powers democracy United States ethics social media communication
  • Dr Matthew Windsor

    Dr Windsor can comment on and has expertise in constitutional Law, with a particular emphasis on the role and responsibilities of the civil service and government lawyers (Whitehall).
    07743 193252
    Business and economy International Relations Law Politics War and security World Law constitution constitutional law Civil Service Government foreign office
  • Professor Estelle Derclaye

    Copyright law relating to the protection of works (literary, artistic, musical, dramatic, computer programs, databases, sound recordings, films, technological protection measures), performances and their copyright holders' economic and moral interests. Fair use of works by the public. Use of works on the Internet. Designs (works of applied art). Trade mark law (distinctive signs). Patent law (inventions). Prevention of piracy and counterfeiting. Expertise in UK, European and international aspects of these laws.
    +44 (0)115 951 5735
    Arts and Culture Law Technology World Copyright Law Internet trade mark patents Piracy Counterfeiting Artifical Intelligence AI
  • Professor Sarah Dauncey

    China specialist with 30 years, experience visiting/studying China. Research focuses on the development of new ways of understanding disability in non-Western contexts.
    Arts and Culture China Education Gender History Sociology World Culture history imperial china clothing Fashion Gender disbility Identity rights in china film Literature IAPS identity politics disability and welfare Gender and Sexuality pre-modern and modern Chinese society and culture literature and life writing; late-imperial women's culture and fashion teaching Chinese as a foreign language distance learning Hong Kong Taiwan
  • Jason Klocek

    Jason's expertise investigates the causes, characteristics, and consequences of religious violence and repression, as well as the role of religion in peacebuilding.
    American Politics Crime Equality International Relations Politics Religion Security War and security World Religion religious violence peace Peacebuilding repression radicalization Terrorism rebellion Government regulation
  • Prof Aoife Nolan

    Aoife Nolan is an internationally recognised expert in human rights law, with a particular focus on children's rights, climate justice, the connection between human rights and decent living standards (e.g., poverty, housing, social security and education) and the role of law and lawyers in bringing about social and legal change.
    Children Education Environment Equality Geography Law Politics Sociology World child rights Law climate justice Austerity poverty human rights housing rights United Nations Future generations education Security
  • Professor Jonathan Farrington

    Professor Farrington's professional background allows him to discuss matters relating to Corporate Finance, International Business, Strategy, Corporate Governance, UK Banking, Start-Ups, and Private Equity.
    Business and economy Mathematics Trade World corporate finance business international strategy Banking start-ups Private equity
  • Dr Christopher Pich

    Dr Christopher Pich's topic area focuses on political marketing, political branding and voter engagement.
    0115 846 6687
    American Politics Brexit Business and economy Communications Gender Geography International Relations Law Politics Sociology War and security World political brands political marketing communications elections uk international local voter engagement voter behaviour Polls referendum politics Parties Labour conservative
  • Dr William Daniel

    William Daniel is an expert in European political parties, legislatures, elections.
    American Politics Brexit International Relations Politics Sociology World politics us European LGBTQ Gender representation society European Union electoral systems elections Politicians
  • Dr Klara Polackova Van der Ploeg

    International law; International courts and tribunals; International dispute settlement; United Nations (UN); UN Security Council; International peace and security; International investment law and investment arbitration; Business and human rights
    Equality International Relations Law Politics Security War and security World international Law court tribunal justice Security United Nations peace investment human rights Equality business
  • Dr Patricio Sanchez-Campos

    Dr Sanchez-Campos specialises in the influence of language on society and the way social power abuse and inequalities are reproduced and/or resisted by text and talk.
    Business and economy Communications Cultures Equality Politics Sociology Trade World Media Language higher education social inequality inequality marketing business consumer Consumerism market
  • Victor Kattan

    Victor Kattan is an expert in international law (especially laws of war, territorial disputes) with special knowledge of the longstanding Israel-Palestine dispute.
    Crime International Relations Law War and security World International Law arab-israeli dispute International Criminal Court international court of justice laws of war laws of territorial disputes israel-palestine Decolonisation apartheid Palestine
  • Khalid Jarral

    Economic diplomacy and the evolution of diplomatic agency; trade, investment, and strategic economic cooperation between states; strategic interests as factors shaping contemporary economic diplomacy, in particular, the current trends and practices in South and Southeast Asia, economic diplomacy, diplomacy,
    Belt and Road Initiative International Relations Trade World domestic decision-making economic issues international negotiations diplomatic methods instruments military diplomacy and the Asian multilateral financial institutions China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) International Relations Trade and Investment
  • Julia Roknifard

    Specialized on Iranian and Middle Eastern Studies, matters surrounding Iran's nuclear program, Iran's domestic politics and foreign policy. Research interests lie with international security, including its non-traditional aspects, interweaving of religion and politics, evolution of Islamism, and counterterrorism.
  • Amira Halperin

    Dr. Amira Halperin's expertise includes Journalism/Media Technologies; Migration/Refugees; Middle East; Refugee integration and policy in Europe and Canada.Amira Halperin is an Assistant Professor in Mobile Studies, and Associate Director of Institute for Mobile Studies. She is an expert in migration and refugees and media technologies.
    +86 132 5096 2974
    China Communications International Relations Migration Politics War and security World journalism Media migration refugees human rights Diversity China Ukraine Russia middle east politics Europe EU policy Israel Conflict Bahrain diplomatic relations War canada world
  • Dr Rory Cormac

    Intelligence: activities of intelligence agencies in Britain and the US from espionage to torture; relationship between intelligence and policymakers ie, how intelligence is used and abused; intelligence and warning of attacks e.g terrorism; oversight of intelligence. Covert action: secret foreign policy; special operations; propaganda/political warfare/bribery etc.
    +44 (0) 115 748 4576
    Politics War and security World politics intelligence Britain us Relations propaganda Secret Covert
  • Dr Edmund Stewart

    I specialise in ancient Greek literature and history. My research covers specifically Greek myth, the performance of Greek drama in the ancient world, the history of work and the ancient economy, and tyranny and despotism in the ancient and modern worlds. for news stories: Tyrants and Dictators: ancient perspectives on modern dictatorships. Professions, Professionalism and the history of work.
    +44 (0)115 95 14810
  • Dr Afzal Ashraf

    Terrorism; counter-terrorism; global security and conflict; international relations and diplomacy; regional political and security expertise in the Middle East and South East Asia; information exploitation; intelligence processes and agencies; information as a commercial commodity; cyber security
    +44 (0)7848 965 356
    Politics Security War and security World Terrorism global security International Relations diplomacy Cyber Security Security Al Qaeda Extremism violent extremism
  • Dishil Shrimankar

    Indian elections, voting behaviour, and quantitative methods
    +44 (0)115 84 66228
    Politics World India elections voting politics
  • Professor Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling

    Civil service management, anti-corruption, ethics and integrity management in developing countries including Nepal and Bangladesh in South Asia.
    Politics World Corruption Governance
  • Fernando Casal Bertoa

    Comparative Politics, focusing on party regulation, political party funding, democratic constitutional design, party development, party system institutionalization and democracy promotion.
    Law Politics World Corruption Governance
  • Jacqueline Hicks

    Indonesian politics, society, religion, economy; Indonesian elections, democracy; International politics of personal data economics, particularly Indonesia and India.
    +44 (0) 7923047791
    International Relations Politics World Indonesia Asia India politics
  • Dr Richard Common

    Comparative public policy and management - primarily East Asia and Middle East.
    Cultures Politics World public management international policy transfer public sector management; Public policy; Civil service ministers Training and development in public services and central government HR In public services pay and recruitment Local government International policy development
  • Professor Peter Ling

    Gandhian nonviolence. My expertise is on Martin Luther King but this has entailed understanding Gandhi's influence. Indian reaction to the JFK assassination.
    0778 9374329
    Energy History International Relations Politics Sociology World human rights Identity and Rights
  • Mark Idelson

    Comparative Sino-Western thinking; effective cross-cultural experential learning; technology, society, economy and culture's interplay applicable to situations where negotiations, mergers, alliances develop between parties with diverse perspectives
    Business and economy Technology World technology entrenpreneurship Mathematics Financial services software engineering
  • Dr Robert A Lambert

    Environmental history. Tourism and the environment. Sustainable tourism. Eco-tourism. Environmental management. Environmental policy. Birds and birdwatching. British wildlife. Television and radio natural history/wildlife programming. BBC Natural History Unit. Australia and New Zealand ecology. Public history and heritage. Environmental geography. Landscape history. Antarctica.
    +44 (0)115 8466699/07799 126461/+44 (0)1664 822150
    Brexit Business and economy Environment History World Environment Tourism birds wildlife Television and Radio australia new zealand ecology history heritage landscape Geography Antarctica
  • Dr Byungchul Choi

    As an innovation expert, Dr Choi's research focuses on understanding how firms create value through Management of Technology (MOT). More specifically, on the decision making mechanisms and management systems to achieve successful technological innovation.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 0996
    Business and economy Technology World business Management technology China
  • Dr Sean Mayes

    Crops, plants, seeds, crop genetics, marker assisted selection, development of minor crops, resilient agriculture, oil palm, bambara groundnut, wheat, tea, biotechnology, breeding, seed systems
    Environment Science World Crops plants seeds crop genetics marker assisted selection development of minor crops resilient agriculture oil palm bambara groundnut wheat tea biotechnology breeding seed systems
  • Professor Andreas Bieler

    Globalisation. European integration. Trade unions. European industrial relations.
    +44 (0)115 9514492
    Brexit Business and economy Politics World globalisation Europe European Integration trade unions industrial relations
  • Dr Andreas Fulda

    Dr Fulda has specialized in democratization studies, citizen diplomacy, and EU-China relations. His applied social and political science research bridges theory and practice and aims to shape German and European China policy.
  • Dr Louise Kettle

    Britain's foreign and security relationship with the Middle East past and present, especially military interventions (e.g. 1956 Suez, 1958 Jordan, 1961 Kuwait, Gulf War, Iraq War). Process of learning from the history of these experiences. Currently researching Britain's Middle East strategy and relationship with Iran.
    07714 216459
    Politics War and security World middle east history politics Security Conflict War iraq war gulf war iran
  • Dr Luciano Pollichieni

    Dr Pollichieni can cover terrorism and organised crime, human slavery in Africa (especially Nigeria), terrorist financing through criminal activities, radicalization and drug trafficking.Drug Trafficking (especially county-lines), Far-right terrorsim, Jihadi terrorism, conflicts in Africa (especially the Sahel and the Horn of Africa), and Human Slavery.
    Crime International Relations Politics War and security World Terrorism organised crime county lines human slavery Africa nigeria terrorist financing criminal activitism radicalization drug trafficking far-right terrorism jihadi terrorism conflicts in Africa Sahel horn of africa
  • Dr Rebecca Senior

    Dr Rebecca Senior is an art historian specialising in visual cultures of violence, monuments, sculpture and material histories.Topics include art, colonialism, British art and material culture, exhibitions, allegory, symbolism, white supremacy, monuments, arts current affairs and art history.
    07933 805754
  • Dr Pierre-Alexis Mével

    Alex is an expert in the translation of works of fiction and can talk about audiovisual translation, film subtitling, dubbing, audio description, language in films and questions of accessibility for diverse audiences. He can also comment on audience reception and reaction to translation and its methods in film and TV.
    +44 (0)115 951 5893
  • Dr Kate Law

    Zimbabwean history, South African history, Imperialism and Empire, Gender history, Women's history, Feminist History,Also history of British Anti-apartheid movement, history of contraception.
    0115 748 7254
  • Dr Natalie Martin

    Turkey-EU accession process including European security aspect. Turkish politics and foreign policy and its relationship to the EU accession process and NATO. State of news media freedom in Turkey.Turkish politics and relationship to the EU/USA/Russia. Effects of Brexit on European security. General news media freedom issues.
    0115 95 14791
    International Relations War and security World turkey European Union Politics media freedom Nato
  • Lisa Gibson

    Libya/US relations; impact of terrorism; conflict prevention; US public diplomacy; citizen diplomacy
    American Politics International Relations Security War and security World War Conflict security and terrorism Libya US diplomacy US/Libya relations Conflict prevention and resolution
  • Dr Matthew Duncombe

    Ancient Greek Philosophy, including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, ancient scepticism.Happiness, the good life, Stoicism
    0115 846 8832
  • Professor Andrew Fisher

    Teaching Philosophy to the young - esp. primary school children. Philosophy of Education - who should teach what? And who decides? Inclusivity in the classroom, safe spaces and trigger warnings, private schools and faith schools - should they exist? Cases for positive discrimination in admission to university. Philosophy of religion - religion vs science, reasons for/against God, demarcation of religion etc; Ethics - moral truth, moral facts, God and morality - how could they be linked? Applied ethics, normative ethics. Equality, diversity and inclusion - implicit bias, stereotype threat, chilly climates, decolonization of the curriculum, microaggressions, gender and sex, etc.
    0115 846 7647
  • Dr Alison Mohr

    Dr Mohr's research focuses on the interface between energy, the environment and society
    +44 (0)115 846 8151
    Energy Environment World energy Environment and Society public engagement community engagemenet Developing Countries society fuel energy technologies policy
  • David O'Brien

    Chinese identity and policy; the Chinese political system; social science methodologies
    +86 574 8818 0000 (Extension: 9421)
    Brexit Politics World China China policy Chinese politics
  • Professor Mike Heffernan

    Historical and political Geography, Western Europe (especially UK, France and Germany) and North America. History of geographical and environmental thought. Environmental causes and consequences of war. Cultural heritage and conservation in Western Europe and North America. Archival research.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6144
    Brexit Environment World historical political Geography Europe North America Environmental cultural
  • Dr Jonathan Sullivan

    China and Taiwan: politics, elections, foreign relations, security, media, internet, pop culture, Chinese football
    +44 (0)115 95 14046
    Belt and Road Initiative China Communications Cultures International Relations Politics World China Taiwan politics Chinese football Chinese media Chinese Internet
  • Franziska Schrodt

    Diversity - ecosystem functioning relationships; plant functioning traits, plant ecology; remote sensing (e.g from satellites) use for conservation and global change studies; use of vegetation models to study global change; Essential Biodiversity VariablesChanges in plant distribution and function with climate change; change in the functioning of ecosystems with environmental change; prospects of using new technology (e.g. in remote sensing or mathematical models and 'Big data' in ecology) to study ecosystem change with climate change.
    +44 (0)115 84 66071
    Geography Science Technology World climate change biodiversity
  • Professor Nicola Pitchford

    mobile technologies, child development, basic skills, literacy, numeracy, primary school education, childhood cancer, preterm birth, childhood stroke, childhood deprivation, poverty, tablet technology, assisted learning, education, Malawi, South Africa, Brazil, childhood brain tumours
    +44 (0) 115 9515287
    Arts and Culture Children Education Health and Medicine Politics Science Technology World mobile technologies Child development basic skills Literacy numeracy primary school education childhood cancer preterm birth childhood stroke childhood deprivation poverty tablet technology assisted learning education Malawi South Africa Brazil childhood brain tumours
  • Dr Stephen Cope

    Public policy, particularly regulation of public services in the UK, local government/local governance, police reform, decision-making in government and rational choice theory.
    +44 (0) 115 846 8132 , +44 (0) 7946 366 717
    Politics World Public policy services uk Local Government police reform
  • Dr Tony Fitzpatrick

    Theories and ideologies of the welfare state. Welfare reform. New labour. Basic/Citizens Income. Environmentalism. Local exchange and trading systems. Information and communication technologies and social policy. New genetics and social policy.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5230
    Politics World Theories ideologies Welfare State reform New Labour Citizens environmentalism trading exchange communication social policy
  • Séagh Kehoe

    Contemporary Tibet feminism; LGBTQ, gender and sexuality in contemporary China
    +44 (0)77 6587 4815
    China Politics World feminism Tobet LGBTQ Gender sexuality China
  • Professor Kevin Bales

    Professor Bales has extensive expertise in modern slavery, with 25 years experience in the field at all levels from hands-on to UN policy development.He can comment on anything related to modern or historical slavery or human trafficking or slavery in supply chains or slavery and climate change or conflict or forced marriage.
    +44 (0)115 846 6230
    Crime Politics Rights Lab World slavery modern slavery policy politics Rights Lab human rights
  • Dr Edward Burke

    Edward Burke is an Assistant Professor in International Relations specialising in insurgency, terrorism and British/EU foreign and defence policy. He is currently researching the effect of the UK's exit from the EU on the British-Irish security relationship.
    +44 (0)77 9990 5327
    Brexit Politics World Brexit Terrorism politics insurgency Northern Ireland
  • Dr Anja Neundorf

    Young people and politics, public opinion, German politics, elections, turnout, democratisation, civic culture, partisanship.
    +44 (0) 7946947367
    Children Politics Rights Lab World politics young people German politics elections
  • Dr Catherine Gegout

    European Union politics; Foreign policy; Military intervention; EU-Africa relations; EU-developing world relations; Colonialism; International Criminal Court.
    +44 (0)115 9514 999
    Brexit Crime Politics War and security World politics Foreign Policy EU relations Brexit
  • Professor Jeff Kenner

    European Union law, employment law and human rights law.
    +44 (0)115 95 15956
    Brexit Law Politics World EU European Union Brexit Law human rights
  • Professor Maiken Umbach

    Nazi Germany; The everyday practice of ideology: how 'ordinary' people assimilate political beliefs and make them work for themselves; the politics of 'authenticity'. How political beliefs travel between different cultural and religious context, or between the past and the present. Nazi propaganda and ideology, particularly key texts (numerous media comments on "Mein Kampf") and visual culture; Dealing with difficult pasts (especially Nazi Germany; its photographic and architectural legacies); the problems of exhibiting difficult histories in museums. Dangerous texts; Dealing with iconic political texts and their legacies today (especially the popularity of Hitler's Mein Kampf) The role of culture in regional identity politics in Europe.
    +44 (0)115 7484 106, +44 (0)755 737 2721
    History World Nazi Germany propaganda and photography Political ideology Maiken Umbach Nazis
  • Dr Ivaylo Gatev

    Eurasian Economic Union; Shanghai Cooperation Organisation; European Neighbourhood Policy InterregionalismNew Silk Road Sino-Russian Relations; Chinese Investment in Eastern Europe; Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit meetings
    +86 (0)574 8818 0926
    Politics World EU European Integration EU policies politics Russia Ukraine China Belerus
  • Dr Grant Dawson

    Conflict and civil wars, peace keeping and peace processes; international military intervention.Can comment on situations in Libya, Syria, China and the changing world orderThe uses of force with or without UN Security Council approval and 'new wars'
    +86 (0)574 8818 0559
    China History Politics War and security World civil war peacekeeping peace international military intervention War Un syria Libya China
  • Katherine SUN

    Comparative education research on Sino-Foreign universities
    + 88180000-1074
    Business and economy Education World education Sino-foreign universities IAPS
  • Professor Oliver Morrissey

    International trade policy: developing countries trade; trade agreements; WTO; EU-Africa trade International development: aid policy, effect of aid on developing countries; agriculture and trade in developing countries.
    +44 (0)115 951 54 75
    Brexit Business and economy Politics World Brexit International Trade Developing Countries Trade
  • Dr Paul Smith

    French politics: parliament and parties mostly, but also executive and leadership performance. Responses to Brexit negotiations and whether or not a Frexit is likely. French political leadership post-Brexit, both domestically and within the EU and how France will try to guide negotiations.
    +44 (0)115 951 5875, +44 (0)7792219931
    Politics World politics France French French politics Brexit Europe Paul Smith
  • Dr Gareth Stockey

    Contemporary Spain; the history of the Spanish Civil war, Franco dictatorship; the history of Gibraltar and its relationship with Spain; archaeology; memory and tourism of the Spanish Civil War
    +44 (0)115 84 67487
    Arts and Culture Brexit History Politics War and security World gibraltar Spanish Civil War Franco dictatorship archeology Tourism
  • Dr David Norris

    Cultural, historical, linguistic and political issues relating to former Yugoslavia and its successor states (especially Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro).
    +44 (0)115 951 5828
    Arts and Culture Brexit History Politics World Former Yugoslavia Serbia Croatia Bosnia Montenegro history poltics
  • Professor Stephen Morgan

    Chinese economic and social development; the management of Chinese firms; China's engagement with the global economy
    +86 (0)574 8818 0988, +86 18667802355
    Business and economy China World China business Global Economy China's global engagement IAPS
  • Professor Shujie Yao

    Quantitative methods and applied econometrics. Development and agricultural economics. Microeconomics/business economics/international business and finance. Economic growth, income distribution and poverty. Economic development in China.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6322
    Arts and Culture World Chinese China Economy Econometrics agriculture business International Relations finance IAPS

Media Relations - External Relations

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telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5798