


  • Dr Katarina Schwarz

    Dr Katarina Schwarz is an Associate Professor in Antislavery Law and Policy in the School of Law and Associate Director of the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham. Her research explores the intersections between slavery and the law, from the historical to the contemporary. Schwarz works at the interface of research and policy to deliver evidence-based guidance for contemporary antislavery action. Her Rights Lab research interrogates the law and policy frameworks operating at the global, regional, and domestic level to determine the elements of effective antislavery governance and map trends, successes, and failures.
    History Law Politics Rights Lab Trade modern slavery human trafficking forced labour forced marriage International Law human rights reparations transatlantic slave trade historical injustice
  • Dr Sarah White

    Dr White's research interests combine law, history, and religion, particularly the historical development of English ecclesiastical law, Common Law, and the courts of equity in the medieval period. Broadly, her research looks at the intersection of law and religion through the works of the canon (ecclesiastical) lawyers of twelfth- and thirteenth-century England.
    Cultures History Law Religion Religion church Law equity Medieval state litigation
  • Professor Sarah Dauncey

    China specialist with 30 years, experience visiting/studying China. Research focuses on the development of new ways of understanding disability in non-Western contexts.
    Arts and Culture China Education Gender History Sociology World Culture history imperial china clothing Fashion Gender disbility Identity rights in china film Literature IAPS identity politics disability and welfare Gender and Sexuality pre-modern and modern Chinese society and culture literature and life writing; late-imperial women's culture and fashion teaching Chinese as a foreign language distance learning Hong Kong Taiwan
  • Dr Tengwen Long

    Dr Long's research interests primarily revolve around environmental change and human-environment interactions over different timescales.
    Archaeology Belt and Road Initiative Environment History Science agriculture Sustainable development goals Water
  • Dr Charlotte May

    Arts and Culture History Dr Charlotte May Literature nottingham history poetry Romanticism caves
  • Professor Frances Knight

    History of Christianity since 1800, specifically in Britain.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7778 , +44 (0) 7855 657 328
    History Religion history christianity Britain
  • Dr Sarah Holland

    British history, 18th to 20th centuries, with particular emphasis on the 19th century. Rural and agricultural history, the relationship between town and country, agricultural workers, market buildings, knowledge networks. Rural identity. History of asylum farms. Cultural stimuli and wellbeing. Yorkshire and the East Midlands.
    +44 (0)115 74 84107
    History British history agriculture rural identity
  • Dr Sumit Mandal

    I am a transregional historian. My research concerns historical forms of inter-religious and inter-cultural interactions and their outcomes in the Malay world as well as contemporary Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Currently, I am doing research on the Muslim shrines that underpin a historical sacred geography spanning the Indian Ocean from Jakarta to Cape Town.
    Cultures History Malay world southeast asia Indian Ocean transregional history transnational history religious studies race politics Identities
  • Dr Arun Kumar

    My work explores the socio-economic history of modern India. I work on the history of Indian labour, modern education, and subaltern literary cultures.I work in the following areas: 1. History of Modern India 2. Colonialism and the British Empire 3. Labour Market and Labour Conditions 4. Education History 5. History of Capitalism and Inequality 6. Caste and Social History. I am willing to work in the field of labour, poverty and inequality, and education.
    0115 748 4098 or Press Office 0115 9515798
  • Dr Edmund Stewart

    I specialise in ancient Greek literature and history. My research covers specifically Greek myth, the performance of Greek drama in the ancient world, the history of work and the ancient economy, and tyranny and despotism in the ancient and modern worlds. for news stories: Tyrants and Dictators: ancient perspectives on modern dictatorships. Professions, Professionalism and the history of work.
    +44 (0)115 95 14810
  • Dr Florian Wiedmann

    As an academic architect specialized in investigating emerging cities from an international and interdisciplinary perspective, I have been involved in research, practice and teaching in Western Asia since 2006. My main focus has been the rapid urban transformation due to international migration in the Persian Gulf region. From 2011 to 2018 my research was funded by Qatar Foundation and one of the main areas of my expertise is the space production of knowledge economies in the context of rapid urban growth. In recent years, I have also established new links to institutions in India, Nepal and Vietnam.
    Architecture and Built Environment Business and economy Cultures History Migration Cities Persian Gulf GCC urbanism Sustainable development goals governanace
  • Professor May-Tan Mullins

    My research interests are political ecology of rising China, environmental and energy justice, poverty alleviation and building resilience for the poorest and most vulnerable. One research strand is the rise of the smart eco city and a second strand of my work is to help communities alleviate poverty, particularly in a post-disaster context.
    Belt and Road Initiative Cultures Education Environment Gender History International Relations Politics Governance human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Professor Katharine Adeney

    Government and politics of South Asia, especially relating to elections, centre-state/province relations, majoritarian nationalism and ethnic diversity; The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
    0115 951 4032
    Belt and Road Initiative History International Relations Politics War and security Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Governance
  • Ibtisam Ahmed

    I work on decolonial politics and utopias - how we envision futures that are equitable based on our experiences of the past. I give specific focus to queer identities, religious and spiritual minorities, literature and language, and cultural politics.
    Architecture and Built Environment Art Cultures Gender History Politics Sociology human rights Identity and Rights theology
  • Dr Oana Burcu

    I am currently developing further my expertise in the determinants of migrants' vulnerabilities and forced labour, while maintaining my pre-existent interest and expertise in nationalism, diasporic communities, China's foreign policy and Asia-Pacific security.
  • Dr Sascha Auerbach

    My research focuses on race and migration in the nineteenth century, with a particular interest in the Indian and Chinese labour diasporas, the legacies of slavery, and the dynamics of colonial governance.
    Cultures History Law Governance human rights
  • Dr Spencer Mawby

    Post-war British foreign and colonial policy. British policy towards the recreation of a German army during the late 1940s and early 1950s. British policy towards its last Arab colony in Aden. The Cold War. History of Britain's role in the Middle East. Relationship between nationalism and imperialism and issues relating to the end of the British Empire.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5932
    History post-war britain Britain middle east nationalism imperialism empire arab the cold war Germany
  • Professor Stephen Legg

    Historical research on late-colonial, 20th century India Urban geography and politics Intersections of imperialism and internationalism.
    0115 846 8402
    Architecture and Built Environment Geography History Interwar colonial India Imperial Britain Indian policy the League of Nations colonialism Indian Anti-colonial Nationalism Internationalism India
  • Professor Stephen Morgan

    My research is multi-disciplined focused on China from the 18th century to the present, including business and economic history, economic development, international business and strategic management, politics and society, and health, nutrition and human welfare.
    Business and economy History International Relations Politics economic history Anthropometric History Heath and inequality Business and social networks FDI Communist Party of China
  • Professor Peter Ling

    Gandhian nonviolence. My expertise is on Martin Luther King but this has entailed understanding Gandhi's influence. Indian reaction to the JFK assassination.
    0778 9374329
    Energy History International Relations Politics Sociology World human rights Identity and Rights
  • Dr Hongwei Bao

    My research focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) visual and performance culture in contemporary China and transnationally. I also study media and cultural practices in the Chinese diaspora.
    0115 84 67465
    Arts and Culture Communications Cultures Gender History Sociology Identity gay politics China social media Media Asia films Gender sexuality
  • Dr Yingfa Lu

    Accounting, accounting profession, accounting history, auditing, corporate governance, business law, and professional negligence.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8480
  • Dr Robert A Lambert

    Environmental history. Tourism and the environment. Sustainable tourism. Eco-tourism. Environmental management. Environmental policy. Birds and birdwatching. British wildlife. Television and radio natural history/wildlife programming. BBC Natural History Unit. Australia and New Zealand ecology. Public history and heritage. Environmental geography. Landscape history. Antarctica.
    +44 (0)115 8466699/07799 126461/+44 (0)1664 822150
    Brexit Business and economy Environment History World Environment Tourism birds wildlife Television and Radio australia new zealand ecology history heritage landscape Geography Antarctica
  • Dr Lily Yu

    Translation Studies, feminist translation studies, history of feminist translation, translation of women's writing, translation of feminist writing, women's studies, women in/and translation, gender Studies, gender in/and translation, gender in language, queer in/and translation, memory and translation, interpreters for the Japanese army in the Second Sino-Japanese war, museum narratives, museum text translation, audio-visual translation, comparative literature.
    +86 574 8818 8569
  • Dr Mary Jane Ainslie

    Dr. Mary J. Ainslie is an Associate Professor specializing in culture and media throughout Southeast Asia, with specific emphasis upon Thailand and Malaysia, as well as the wider intercultural links between the East and Southeast Asia regions. She is Deputy Head of the School of International Communications at the University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus. Dr. Ainslie has received funding for a range of projects from various international organizations, including the Academy of Korean Studies, the Korea Foundation and the Vidal Sassoon Centre for the Study of Antisemitism (for studies in which she was project leader). She organized the first symposium to study the consumption and reception of Korean pop culture in Southeast Asia and regularly presents her work in Europe, Israel, Korea and across Southeast Asia. She has previously worked for the Bangkok International Film Festival and was an invited speaker at the Khon Kaen International Film Festival. She has published in journals such as The China Quarterly, Korea Journal, The Women's Studies International Journal and The Asia Pacific Journal, as well as in numerous edited collections. To date she is editor of the volume 'The Korean Wave in Southeast Asia: Consumption and Cultural Production' (2015), 'Thai Cinema: The Complete Guide' (2018), 'Southeast Asia on Screen: From Independence to Financial Crisis (1945-1997)' (2020) has edited a special edition of the 'Horror Studies Journal' (2015), and is currently co-editing 'The Southeast Asian Gothic collection'. Her monograph 'Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Malaysia: Malay nationalism, philosemitism and pro-Israel expressions' was published in 2019, while her forthcoming monograph is under contract with Edinburgh University Press. In 2020 she was made an External Affiliate at the Max and Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa.
    +86(0)574 8818 0000 (8173)
  • Dr Jeremy Taylor

    Dr Taylor works on the cultural and social history of China and Southeast Asia.
  • Dr Uditi Sen

    I am a historian of modern India who works on migration, gender, refugee memory and politics of nation-building. My book, Citizen Refugee, explores how refugees from Eastern Pakistan struggled to rebuild lives in India. I have also researched and published on Indian women's participation in nation-building, and the conflict between tribal and settler communities in the Andaman Islands.
    Environment Gender History War and security human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable development goals India South Asia refugee Bengal memory oral history Diaspora Feminism
  • Dr Monica White

    Muscovite expansion into Siberia and the Far East.
    0115 8232177
    Art History Russia Siberia Russian Far East
  • Dr Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan

    I am scholar from the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), my focus is the international law and human rights from a decolonial perspective. I have written on the United Nations human rights engagement with Sri Lanka which was published in 2019: I have been invited to talks via webinars during the pandemic but also before predominantly by Global South institutions in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and elsewhere. I consider myself as expert in the area in its interdisciplinary approach.
    Cultures History International Relations Law Migration Security Sociology Governance human rights Identity and Rights colonialism nationalism Racism Third World elitism post-colonialism
  • Dr Scott Pacey

    Buddhism, new religious movements, and religion in Taiwan and the modern world. Multidisciplinary scholar drawing insights and theoretical approaches from sociology, history and religious studies. Interested in the interplay between tradition and modernity, and religious innovation.
    0115 846 6906
  • Dr Lonán Ó Briain

    My research is largely focused on mainland Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam. In that region, I study cultural history, intangible cultural heritage, musical infrastructures and audio technologies, cultures of ethnic minority communities and the environment.
    Arts and Culture Communications Education Environment History Music musical cultures southeast asia ethnomusicology cultural anthropology media studies cultural heritage
  • Sasha Garwood

    Sasha works on the connections between gender, sexuality, and food in culture, including eating disorders and the history of the body.
    Food Gender History anorexia Eating Disorders Gender women's bodies women's history
  • Dr Rebecca Senior

    Dr Rebecca Senior is an art historian specialising in visual cultures of violence, monuments, sculpture and material histories.Topics include art, colonialism, British art and material culture, exhibitions, allegory, symbolism, white supremacy, monuments, arts current affairs and art history.
    07933 805754
  • Dr Anne-Marie Caroline Kramer

    The meaning and significance of family history/genealogy within personal, family and national life in the UK. Also reproductive politics, particularly abortion debates, both in the UK and in Poland.
    +44 (0) 115 823 2440 , +44 (0)7939 366 283
    History history family genealogy personal national life uk politics abortion poland
  • Professor Eugene Ch'ng

    Developing Virtual Reality technology for the production, storage and sharing of cultural heritage spanning large spatial-temporal scales. Develop technology for retrieving, processing, and tools for visual analytics for large social media datasets for understanding phenomena within connected societies.
    +86 574 8818 3049
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Art Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Environment History Science virtual reality augmented reality social media big data Digital heritage virtual heritage computational archaeology
  • Dr Kate Law

    Zimbabwean history, South African history, Imperialism and Empire, Gender history, Women's history, Feminist History,Also history of British Anti-apartheid movement, history of contraception.
    0115 748 7254
  • Ruben Leitao Serem

    Specific topics include: • Political, social, cultural and religious history of twentieth-century Spain (Second Republic: 1931- 1936; civil war: 1936-1939; and General Francisco Franco's dictatorship: 1939-1975) • The "memory wars" in Spain and Portugal (1999-present) • Portuguese-Spanish relations between 1926 and 1975 • Political, social and cultural history of twentieth-century Portugal (First Republic: 1910-1926; the Military/Estado Novo dictatorship: 1926-1974)Interested in external research collaboration and consultancy opportunities.
    0115 748 4297
  • Dr Andrew Harrison

    Dr Harrison's research specialism is DH Lawrence
    +44 (0)115 846 6456
    Arts and Culture Education History D H Lawrence Literature English Andrew Harrison
  • Professor Michèle Clarke

    The environment, climate and ecology of the Asia-Pacific region for the last 30 years, including the complexity of their interactions with society, heritage and cultures. Recent themes have included agriculture and rural development; cultural and built heritage; low carbon and clean energy; rapid urbanisation and sustainable cities; and the energy-water-food nexus.
    0115 951 5446
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Cultures Education Energy Engineering Environment Gender History Migration Science Veterinary climate society sustainable development energy ecosystems Cities Water agriculture heritage Asia
  • Professor Judith Jesch

    Viking studies. Runic inscriptions. Old Norse.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5925
    Arts and Culture History English viking Studies age
  • Dr Andrew Cobbing

    Cultural and international history of 19th-century Japan. Japan's cultural encounter with the West. Japanese source material from diaries to published works. Iwakura Embassy, which helped to shape state policy in Japan's drive for modernisation.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5946 , +44 (0) 7849 922 828
    History cultural international history Japan modernisation IAPS Asia
  • Professor Julian Henderson

    Science and archaeology. Ancient technologies, particularly glass, ceramics, metals and stone. Islamic archaeology in Syria. Scientific techniques used in archaeology. Silk Road
    +44 (0) 115 951 4840
    Archaeology Arts and Culture Belt and Road Initiative Cultures Environment History Science archaeology Ancient technology Islamic syria silk road Asia China Japan Indonesia turkey Kazakhstan Tajikistan Hong Kong history
  • Dr Nagatomi Hirayama

    Political and intellectual history of modern China, Sino-Japanese Relations, history of socialism and socialist movement. Primary research focuses on the Chinese Youth Party during the Republican era, examining its transnational origin and local development as well as its visions for state construction.
    +86 574 8818 8326
  • Dr Hannah O'Regan

    The history of brown bears in Britain cave archaeology
    +44 (0)115 951 4843
    Animals Arts and Culture History Bears archaeology britain archaeology
  • Dr Christina Lee

    Viking studies. Vikings in Britain. Anglo-Saxon studies. Old English. Disease and disability in early medieval England. Food and drink in early medieval funerary rites. Women in Anglo-Saxon England. Viking women.
    +44 (0)115 846 7194
    Arts and Culture History Vikings Anglo-Saxon Old English Medieval English Norse women Funerary rites
  • Professor Stephen Hodkinson

    Ancient Sparta. The Spartan ruling elite - their society, economy and politics. Sparta and war - does ancient Sparta deserve its reputation as a militarised society? Sparta in modern thought and politics - comparisons between Sparta and Nazi Germany in 20th-century British thought; comparisons between Sparta and the Soviet Union in Cold War American foreign policy and intelligence thinking. Slavery in ancient Greece - Spartans' slave underclass, the helots, their lifestyle and treatment by Spartan ruling elite; comparisons between Spartan helotage and modern slavery in debates about abolition in the 1790s.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4806 , +44 (0) 7969 684 993
    History Ancient sparta Economy politics Relations Nazi Germany Soviet Union American Cold War Foreign Policy
  • Professor Maiken Umbach

    Nazi Germany; The everyday practice of ideology: how 'ordinary' people assimilate political beliefs and make them work for themselves; the politics of 'authenticity'. How political beliefs travel between different cultural and religious context, or between the past and the present. Nazi propaganda and ideology, particularly key texts (numerous media comments on "Mein Kampf") and visual culture; Dealing with difficult pasts (especially Nazi Germany; its photographic and architectural legacies); the problems of exhibiting difficult histories in museums. Dangerous texts; Dealing with iconic political texts and their legacies today (especially the popularity of Hitler's Mein Kampf) The role of culture in regional identity politics in Europe.
    +44 (0)115 7484 106, +44 (0)755 737 2721
    History World Nazi Germany propaganda and photography Political ideology Maiken Umbach Nazis
  • Professor John Young

    Post-1945 history of British and US foreign policy (including British relations with European Union).
    +44 (0) 115 951 5934
    History history Foreign policy European Union us Britain International Relations
  • Professor John Beckett

    East Midlands history. History of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Granting of city status. Englishness.
    +44 (0) 7773 027 289
    History history East Midlands nottingham city status Englishness
  • Professor Elizabeth Harvey

    Twentieth-century Germany, particularly Weimar Germany, National Socialist Germany and the Second World War; occupied Poland during the Second World War; women, gender and gender relations in 20th-century Europe. History of John Player's and Nottingham.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5940
    Arts and Culture History history german Germany Socialist World War poland women Gender Europe nottingham
  • Dr Richard Gaunt

    Politics-1750-1850. Aristocrats as electioneers, eg 4th Duke of Newcastle's influence in Notts. Political culture c1789-1848, including the press, constituency factors, public opinion. Gladstone, Disraeli, Wellington, Peel. History of the conservative party. Political caricatures and cartoons of the 18th and 19th-centuries including Hogarth, Gillray, Cruikshank, John Doyle and Punch magazine.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5930
    History humanities history politics 17th century Conservative party
  • Dr Ross Balzaretti

    History of Europe in early Middle Ages. Italian history, especially in Milan and Liguria, pre-1600. History of women, gender relations and sexuality in the Medieval period. Renaissance history.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5943 , +44 (0) 115 941 0685
    History history Europe Middle Ages Italy Italian Milan Gender women sexuality Medieval renaissance
  • Dr Nicholas Baragwanath

    Music theory from 1700; 19th-century opera; Wagner; Alban Berg; Puccini; music analysis; 19th-century piano music; Russian music 1860-1917; Frankfurt School critical theory.
    +44 (0) 115 951 3246
    Arts and Culture History music Theory history opera russian piano
  • Dr Nick Baron

    Modern Russian/Soviet history, especially Lenin and Stalin - regional policy, economic development, the Gulag, the Great Terror; the Russian region of Karelia in the 20th century; contemporary Russian political, economic, social and cultural developments.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5928
    History Rights Lab russian Soviet history Lenin Stalin policy Economy Culture Social
  • Dr Neil Sinclair

    Ethics and ethical language: the use of ethical language such as 'good' and 'morally abhorrent' to influence people's actions, to increase emotional tension and how the use of moral language falls in and out of fashion in politics. Environmental ethics: our obligations to the natural world and the notion of sustainability.
    +44 (0) 115 951 3428
    Arts and Culture History ethics ethical Language Environmental Sustainability
  • Dr Mark Pearce

    Earlier prehistory. Italian prehistory. Early copper mining. Early metallurgy. Early farming.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4839
  • Dr Lynn Fotheringham

    Latin and Greek literature, especially Cicero.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4809
    History Latin greek history Literature Cicero
  • Dr Karen Adler

    The importance of women and gender in history, especially in western Europe during the 20th century. 20th-century France, especially World War II, the Resistance and the Holocaust. Jews in France and more broadly in modern Europe.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5933
    History Gender women history Europe World War II resistance Holocaust
  • Dr Jonathan Kwan

    19th- and 20th-century Austrian history, from 1815 to 1945. Czech lands, Hungary and other regions ruled by the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th-century. Liberalism in Europe in the 19th-century.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5946
    History Austria Austrian history Czech hungary Liberalism Europe
  • Dr Grant Dawson

    Conflict and civil wars, peace keeping and peace processes; international military intervention.Can comment on situations in Libya, Syria, China and the changing world orderThe uses of force with or without UN Security Council approval and 'new wars'
    +86 (0)574 8818 0559
    China History Politics War and security World civil war peacekeeping peace international military intervention War Un syria Libya China
  • Dr Fintan Cullen

    British and Irish art. Portraiture. Visual culture. Museology.
    +44 (0) 115 951 3137
    History British Irish Art Portraiture visual culture Museology
  • Dr David Laven

    Italian history, especially the late 18th to early 20th centuries (with special emphasis on Italian unification and national identity). The history of Venice since the fall of the Venetian Republic. The historiography of the Venetian Republic. Italy during the Second World War. Machiavelli.
    +44 (0)115 7484104, 07531509984
    History War and security Italy history Venice Machiavelli Second World War
  • Dr David Appleby

    Dr Appleby is interested in supervising student research in several areas of early modern British history, such as:The British Civil Wars 1639-1652The Commonwealth and Protectorate 1649-1660The Restoration 1660-1685Crime and punishment in early modern England 1500-1750Early modern preachingEarly modern Essex and its hinterlandsEarly modern Staffordshire and its hinterlands
    +44 (0) 115 846 86 38
    History British history civil war Commonwealth restoration essex staffordshire
  • Dr Christopher Loveluck

    Medieval archaeology of northwest Europe from c. AD 400-1300, with particular reference to settlements, landscapes and coastal/maritime-oriented communities.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4835
    History Medeval archaeology Europe LandscapeS communities
  • Dr Andreas Kropp

    Art and archaeology of the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman periods ie. what is today Syria, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine and Jordan from 300BC to AD 300. Art and architecture of the so-called Roman 'client' kings of 100 BC to AD 100 including Herod the Great and the Nabataean kings. Ancient architecture including the Temple at Jerusalem, Masada, Herodium, Caesarea and Jordan's Petra.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4293
    History Art archaeology roman syria Lebanon Israel history
  • Professor Zoe Trodd

    Contemporary slavery and human trafficking; historical and contemporary antislavery movements; antislavery campaigns; the voices of slavery survivors. Professor Trodd is Director of the Rights Lab, a University Beacon of Excellence.
    Arts and Culture History Politics Rights Lab Protest social justice Contemporary Slavery human trafficking American and British slavery civil rights Racism segregation and lynching gay rights photography America Literature American Civil War memory memorialisation
  • Dr Gareth Stockey

    Contemporary Spain; the history of the Spanish Civil war, Franco dictatorship; the history of Gibraltar and its relationship with Spain; archaeology; memory and tourism of the Spanish Civil War
    +44 (0)115 84 67487
    Arts and Culture Brexit History Politics War and security World gibraltar Spanish Civil War Franco dictatorship archeology Tourism
  • Dr David Norris

    Cultural, historical, linguistic and political issues relating to former Yugoslavia and its successor states (especially Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro).
    +44 (0)115 951 5828
    Arts and Culture Brexit History Politics World Former Yugoslavia Serbia Croatia Bosnia Montenegro history poltics

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