
University of Nottingham sponsors Environmentalist of the Year at Nottingham Post Environmental Awards 2014

The University of Nottingham proudly sponsored the 'Environmentalist of the Year' category at the annual Nottingham Post Environmental Awards 2014 held at The Nottingham Belfry Hotel on 12th November. 

NEP-Awrads-imageThe winner of the award, John Macdonald (Permaculture In Practice) has shown tremendous leadership in turning 16 acres of countryside in Woodborough uses organic farming practices and is supplying a number of local restaurants and cafes in the county. Andy Nolan, Director of Sustainability, said "John's hard work and commitment were rightly recoginsed by the judging panel. He has shown just what is possible and its demonstrating environmental good practice and healthy lifestyles in all that he does." John is already working with the Department of Architecture and Built Environment in research around vertical gardens.

Runner-up in the category was Tina Holt who transformed her West Bridgford home into an ultra low energy building and has set up Eco House Net in February 2014 to help others do the same. Both winner and runner-up are certainly examples of excellent practice and show what can be achieved.

The Environmentalist of the Year was one of ten awards presented on the evening, for the full list of worthy winners, visit the Nottingham Post website.

Posted on Monday 17th November 2014

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
