
EAUC Membership Offer

Interested in Environmental Issues and want to find out more about them…

The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) aims to inspire, promote and support change towards best practice sustainability within the operations, curriculum and research of the UK tertiary education sector. As the sustainability champion for universities and colleges in the UK, it's run by members, for its members, to drive sustainability to the heart of further and higher education.

As a proud Member of the EAUC, all University of Nottingham staff (including staff in the Students Union) and students have unlimited access to EAUC resources, unrivalled knowledge, developmental and networking opportunities provided.

EAUC-LargeGavin Scott (Environment Manager) the primary owner of the Membership, thought that the rest of the university would be interested in learning more about how EAUC membership can help your continued professional development and to support our institution to embed sustainability even further into our operations. The University of Nottingham is a community and we all have a role to play in sustainability. By taking advantage of our EAUC Membership, staff and students can work alongside each other making us stronger. 

The profile of the EAUC Membership base covers all areas of an institution's focus from procurement, travel and energy, to student and community engagement and the curriculum. With 3,000 individual Members, EAUC Membership truly offers something for everyone.

How to sign up

To take advantage of our existing Membership, create a free EAUC account by registering on the website using your email address, simply select our institution in the drop-down box. You will then have access to all Member-only resources, discounts and services!

Please pass this onto any colleagues and students who you think could also benefit from our EAUC Membership. 

Posted on Wednesday 18th February 2015

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
