
Try the tram for a month for £35

Tram on Science Road, University Park campusUniversity of Nottingham staff can try the tram for a month at a reduced rate, thanks to a discount voucher from NET. It allows unlimited travel across the entire tram network, including the new lines to Toton and Clifton when they open this summer, for £35 – a saving of £14 off the standard monthly rate.

Details of routes and journey times are available from the NET website.

Simply complete the voucher, take it to the NET Travel Centre (4 King Street, Nottingham, NG1 2AS) along with your University card and exchange it for a one month ticket. 

The voucher is valid until 30 September 2015, but any tickets purchased now will be dated for a full month from the opening of the new lines.

If you’re interested in a longer term pass, take a look at the annual tram pass available through the University’s travel pass scheme.

Posted on Thursday 2nd July 2015

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
