
Sustainability Research Network Event

Interested in sustainability, food or both?

Come to the Sustainability Research Network’s (SRN) 1st Themed Research and Interest Networking Event1509SRNLogo
Thursday 15th October
Room B2 at the Hemsley, University Park

SRN is a network of postgraduate and early career researchers interested in sustainability. They are a diverse group with members based across a broad range of Schools at the University. The network have hosted a range of events and talks by engineers, social scientists, environmental scientists, historians and health scientists.  
The theme of this first event is food. 

All Post-grads, Post-Docs and Early Career Researchers with an interest (research or personal) in food and/or sustainability are invited to join the research network for an evening of networking to help develop personal connections and collaborations between people from different fields working on common topics.

The event will begin with a brief introduction from the SRN committee, followed by participants introducing themselves and sharing a very brief overview of their interests and research.  

The SRN intends to run a series of these networking events, focusing on various themes of sustainability, over the upcoming academic year.  If you know anyone who might be interested in joining SRN, please forward this email to them or invite them along.  

Join the SRN on Thursday October 15th, please feel free to send your feedback and ideas for future sustainability focused networking events, using our social media pages (Facebook and Twitter)  or email.
Please email SRN if you plan to come (but feel free to come along even if you don’t have the chance to reply!)

Posted on Wednesday 30th September 2015

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
