
Launch of WARPit reuse network

WARPit logoThe three Rs are a well-known concept in waste management, but all too often we tend to concentrate on the third of these - recycle. To help address the reuse issue the University has teamed up with WARPit to launch an online exchange system. University of Nottingham staff can use WARPit to redistribute their school’s or department’s unwanted furniture, fixtures, fittings and office equipment.

So why have we signed up to use WARPit?

  • It's easy to use
  • Reduces our purchasing and disposal costs
  • Increases our recycling and reuse capabilities
  • Encourages increased cross-campus and interdepartmental collaboration
  • Helps to reduce carbon emissions

The scheme has been running for a couple of months and we have over 100 members already. In the first two months we have seen £39,000 savings, avoided eight tonnes of waste going to landfill and saved 17 tonnes of carbon by reusing furniture and equipment.

Find out how you can join the WARPit network and start making savings.

Posted on Friday 11th March 2016

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
