
£2m invested in carbon projects in Medical School

New cooling system

Over the last 18 months the University has installed three high efficiency cooling units to provide more efficient and reliable comfort cooling for staff and students in the Medical School. The units provide chilled water to meet approximately 75% of the building's chilled water demand, are electrically powered and utilise high efficiency compressors with magnetic bearings and inverter-driven motors to minimise energy input. These installations, along with improved chiller controls, are expected to reduce annual energy bills by £270,000 and carbon emissions by 933 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Previously, most of the Medical School's chilled water system was served by 40-year old steam absorption chillers. These chilled water to 6°C at fairly low efficiencies, so the unit cost of delivered chilled water and associated carbon emissions was quite high, and contributed to the Medical School being the largest single building energy user across Nottingham’s UK campuses.

The latest phase of the project completed in April 2016, ready for the start of the main cooling season, bringing total investment in chilled water systems to £1.3m. 

Replacement windows

Window replacements at Medical SchoolOn the south east elevation of the Medical School (the side that overlooks the Medical School car park), single glazed windows are being replaced by modern double glazed units.

The £800,000 investment will bring multiple benefits including improved comfort for room users, reduced maintenance and reduced energy bills. The energy and carbon savings are achieved by reducing heat loss from draughty metal frames in winter and reducing solar gains in summer thanks to significant improvements in the glazing's thermal properties.

The work started on site in April 2016 and is due to complete by August 2016.

Posted on Monday 9th May 2016

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
