
New University reuse portal provides big savings

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What is WARPit?

WARPit, the Waste Action Reuse Portal, is an easy to use online network, providing a platform for University of Nottingham staff to redistribute furniture and equipment conveniently. 

The online tool ensures it is simple for staff to find others in the organisation who have unwanted items which they could put to good use. It also makes it easy for staff to identify new owners for equipment they no longer need.

WARPit can be used for any reusable items (as long as they are for University use rather than personal use), including furniture, stationery and educational resources.

Save money, time and carbon

WARPit is currently used by a number of universities in the UK looking for a more effective way to manage equipment and furniture reuse within the institution, including UCL, University of Oxford and Loughborough University.

Since the launch of the WARPit online portal earlier in the academic year, University of Nottingham has to date:

  • Saved 30,329 tonnes of CO2- comparable to taking 13 cars off the road
  • Avoided 14,551kg of waste being produced
  • Created over £70,000 in savings through reuse

The WARPit online community now has over 200 members looking to exchange and reuse equipment. Joining the community is simple: register as a new member on the WARPit portal, and start searching for equipment you need or share information on items that can be reused.

Find out more about the WARPit network and how to get involved

Posted on Tuesday 28th June 2016

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
