
Nottingham Students Win National Energy Saving and Recycling Competition

Students at Southwell Hall with ice cream

Students living in Halls this year can win prizes like Ben and Jerry's ice cream and NUS Extra cards in the Student Switch Off energy saving and recycling competition.

Students in The University of Nottingham's Southwell Hall on Jubilee Campus have gone one step further and won a prize in the national Climate Change Quiz competition - receiving the amazing prize of 100 tubs of Ben and Jerry's.

Student Switch Off is an energy saving and recycling competition run by the National Union of Students. Over 40 universities take part in the competition in institutions across the UK and Europe. The competition challenges students living in halls of residences on campus to compete on who can save the most energy and recycle the best over the year, with the winning hall at each institution receiving an end of year prize.

Twice a year Student Switch Off nationally launch an online Climate Change Quiz and the four halls from across the UK who have the highest percentage of residents taking the quiz are awarded with a prize of 100 tubs of ice cream! Southwell Hall had almost 40% of the residents take part and along with halls in the University of Cambridge, University of Exeter and University of Oxford have won the 100 tub prize!

Jade Monroe, Senior Project Officer for Student Switch Off, commented "I am extremely pleased to be able to reward Southwell Hall with the prize this year as the residents and student hall committee have worked really hard to get the energy saving and recycling message out across the halls and unite residents to win the ice cream". Environmental Officer at The University of Nottingham, Seraphina Brown added "This is a great result for the University, especially considering this is the first year we have partnered with Student Switch Off. Congratulations to students at Southwell for making this happen!"

To find out how the halls at The University of Nottingham are doing in the competition this year you can keep track on the University of Nottingham Student Switch Off Facebook page and

Posted on Thursday 15th December 2016

Sustainability Team

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