
Get involved in Fairtrade Fortnight 2019

Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 logoOnce again, the University of Nottingham is celebrating its Fairtrade status during Fairtrade Fortnight. Between Monday 25th February and Sunday 10th March, a range of events will be taking place across our campuses to highlight Fairtrade products and the impact of Fairtrade. Stay up to date with Fairtrade events via our Facebook page.

Some highlights of the fortnight will be:
Let's talk about Fairtrade 

Lunch times on: Tuesday 26th February at The Atrium on Jubilee Campus, Friday 1st March at George Green Library, Monday 4th March on C floor of Portland Building, Wednesday 6th March at Sutton Bonington Farmers’ Market

Come and talk to students in sustainability roles and our engagement assistant, Meg, about Fairtrade. Discover Fairtrade brands and products available on campus and elsewhere - did you know that Patagonia produce Fairtrade clothing? Share your opinions on Fairtrade and how it impacts on sustainable business. You can also enter our prize draw for a hamper of Fairtrade goodies by taking part in our interactive display.

Fairtrade baking without an oven

Tuesday 26th February, 7pm to 9.30pm, at The Studio, Portland Building

Cake society are co-hosting a no baking cooking session, using ingredients kindly donated by the SU SPAR shop and only microwaves - inspired for living in halls with no oven! Numbers will be limited, so make sure you sign up using the SU sign up sheet. See details on the Cake Soc SU page or Facebook.

Crisis in Cocoa: She Deserves

Tuesday 26th February, 6pm to 7pm, at Newton Building, Nottingham Trent University, Goldsmith Street

Duncan Gates from the Fairtrade Foundation will be delivering a public lecture followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion. The talk will cover how Fairtrade relates to sustainability, how the Foundation ensures a fair price for farmers and why Fairtrade is different from other standards. No booking is required for this free event organised by Nottingham Trent University.

#UoNBalaBalls Intra-mural sport and Sustainability have collaborated to trial twelve Fairtrade Bala footballs in fixtures during the two weeks. There will also be a competition for the best photo or video, promoting Fairtrade. Tag IMS sports on Instagram and use the hashtag #UoNBalaBalls. The competition will be launched and run through IMS, so follow IMS on Instagram and Facebook for details. We will be at David Ross Sports Village 3G on Sunday 3rd March from 6pm to promote the competition and Bala balls.

Friday 22nd February, 11am to 2pm and Monday 25th February, 11am to 3pm, Portland Building

Sustainability society and Fashion society are hosting a clothes swap! Clothes will be collected on Friday 22nd from the welcome zone, Portland Building between 11am and 2pm. The swap will take place on Monday 25th at the juice bar from 11am till 3pm. For details, see their  Facebook event page.

But what has Fairtrade got to do with pre-loved clothes? The Fairtrade accreditation is designed to ensure that a garment has been made in safe, harassment-free working conditions, and its maker is paid a fair wage. This requires a slower and more sustainable fashion industry. By promoting clothes swaps, you can increase the demand for quality clothes which are made to last - as Fairtrade clothing is.

Voice of Freedom photography exhibition 

Tuesday 5th March from 11am at The Atrium, Portland Building

Separate from Fairtrade Fortnight, but vital to the cause of sustainable and ethical business, and hosted by the Rights Lab and Faculty of Social Sciences as part of the 2018/19 Nottingham Reading Programme and UoN Against Slavery. There will be an exhibition of photographs taken by survivors of modern slavery depicting their experiences, followed by talks and a drinks reception. View more details.


Posted on Wednesday 20th February 2019

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
