
How can cake support Fairtrade?

The University of Nottingham is this year celebrating its 15th year of Fairtrade Accreditation, recognising a commitment to supporting and using Fairtrade products across campus outlets.

Fairtrade cake sale

Fairtrade is about ensuring better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (never lower than the market price), Fairtrade aims to address the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers.

This year, Fairtrade Fortnight will take place from Monday 25th February until Sunday 10th March across the UK.

We’re looking for individuals and departments to get involved – you could organise a bake sale, coffee morning or even a film screening in your department – with cakes and snacks using Fairtrade ingredients including chocolate, sugar, bananas or coffee. We can provide a promo pack for your event to let people know about the Fairtrade ingredients of your cakes!

If you’d like to get involved and discuss your event, or are already celebrating Fairtrade fortnight, please get in touch.

Posted on Tuesday 5th February 2019

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
