
Florence Boot is switched on to Student Switch Off

Students living in halls this year have been winning prizes such as Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and NUS Extra cards for taking part in the Student Switch Off energy-saving and recycling competition.

Student switching off in Halls

Students living in Florence Boot hall of residence have won the 2016-17 Student Switch Off competition. Florence Boot reduced energy use by 8% and will celebrate the great energy saving and recycling achievements that students have adopted at a Ben & Jerry’s giveaway event for the whole hall.

Collectively the small energy-saving and recycling actions that students completed this year have added up. Together, University of Nottingham residents have reduced carbon emissions by 49 tonnes which is equivalent to making 2.8million cups of tea!

Other notable wins have been achieved by Southwell and Willoughby halls of residences. During the first and second academic terms Student Switch Off run a national Climate Change Quiz, where the top 4 halls across the UK each win a delivery of 100 tubs of Ben & Jerry’s. Southwell scooped the prize during term 1 and Willoughby during term 2!

Student Switch Off is an energy saving and recycling competition ran by the National Union of Students. Over 40 universities take part in the competition in institutions across the UK and Europe. The competition challenges students living in halls of residences to compete on who can save the most energy and recycle the best over the year, with the winning hall at each institution receiving an end of year prize.

To find out how all the halls at the University of Nottingham did in the competition this year you can keep track on the website

Posted on Monday 15th May 2017

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
