
Green Rewards staff carbon calculator competition

GR Staff Carbon Calculator Competition Infographic 2024
From now until September, staff teams at the University of Nottingham have a chance to win a prize by participating in the carbon calculator on Green Rewards.

The new built-in carbon calculator on the platform allows you to calculate your carbon footprint based on your home lifestyle and your footprint and at work too! By answering a few questions, you receive a footprint score and recommendations of activities based on your results —allowing you to take action in reducing your impact in target areas.

The carbon calculator is a great tool to gauge your impact on the planet and find the best ways to lower it.

We want to reward the top staff team with the lowest average carbon footprint, encouraging you to continue taking sustainable actions to reduce your environmental footprint.

What is your carbon footprint score? Get started now on the Green Rewards platform to become a winner and an eco-warrior!

Some ways to reduce your work-based footprint

  1. Travel - Choose a more sustainable way to commute or travel for business.
  2. Energy - Make sure you switch off electronics when you leave.
  3. Purchasing - Follow sustainable procurement practices of the university.
  4. Waste - Make sure you avoid disposables and are recycling correctly.

 How to take part

  1. Encourage your team to join Green Rewards and calculate their carbon footprint. You can earn green points for every person you refer to Green Rewards.
  2. Use the in-built Carbon Calculator to see what your own footprint is for at work and at home.
  3. You have until end of September to calculate your footprint and start taking action to reduce it.
  4. The staff team with the lowest average combined work carbon footprint will win a prize!
Posted on Tuesday 9th July 2024

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
