

Business and economy

  • Dr Lara Bianchi

    Dr Bianchi's areas of expertise are Business and Human Rights; Workers' Rights in Global Value Chains; Stakeholder Engagement; Business Ethics.Dr Bianchi is an Associate Professor in Business and Society, who looks at the impacts and responsibilities of businesses on people and planet.
    +44 (0)115 846 6135
    Business and economy Gender Rights Lab War and security human rights Sustainable development goals business Workers’ Rights Global Value Chains stakeholder engagement Business Ethics
  • Jamie Thomas

    Jamie's focus is on public procurement law and policy, with a particular expertise and interest in "horizontal policy", that is, the use of public procurement regulation to drive other public policy goals. Specific areas of horizontal policy interest include the interaction between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and public procurement, sustainable development or "social value" in public procurement, and in the development of devolved public procurement policy in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
    Business and economy Law Public policy Law Procurement scotland Wales Northern Ireland horizontal policy
  • Dr Matthew Windsor

    Dr Windsor can comment on and has expertise in constitutional Law, with a particular emphasis on the role and responsibilities of the civil service and government lawyers (Whitehall).
    07743 193252
    Business and economy International Relations Law Politics War and security World Law constitution constitutional law Civil Service Government foreign office
  • Dr Lorna Treanor

    Lorna has a strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and she possesses expertise in inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation.
    Business and economy Education Equality Gender Equality Diversity Inclusion business Entrepreneurship Gender women Ethnic minority finance
  • Professor Jonathan Farrington

    Professor Farrington's professional background allows him to discuss matters relating to Corporate Finance, International Business, Strategy, Corporate Governance, UK Banking, Start-Ups, and Private Equity.
    Business and economy Mathematics Trade World corporate finance business international strategy Banking start-ups Private equity
  • Dr Christopher Pich

    Dr Christopher Pich's topic area focuses on political marketing, political branding and voter engagement.
    0115 846 6687
    American Politics Brexit Business and economy Communications Gender Geography International Relations Law Politics Sociology War and security World political brands political marketing communications elections uk international local voter engagement voter behaviour Polls referendum politics Parties Labour conservative
  • Dr Vengadeshvaran Sarma

    Development, impact evaluation, and policy research. Current research focuses on Entrepreneurs with disabilities, Social entrepreneurship, Anti-slavery practices in global supply chains, Charitable giving and donor behaviour, Sustainable development and land acquisition, Education reforms. The current geographic focus is primarily on Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Laos), and South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh).
    Business and economy Education Migration agriculture Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Sustainable development goals anti-slavery sustainable development education disabilities migration
  • Dr Luis Torres

    Impact of the international hard/soft regulation framework on corporate responsibility strategies, the development of models for corporate social performance and sustainability reporting, and the implications of the international human rights framework for Chinese businesses.
    +86 74 8818 8706
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Gender Law corporate social responsibility human rights China Belt and Road Initiative
  • Dr Patricio Sanchez-Campos

    Dr Sanchez-Campos specialises in the influence of language on society and the way social power abuse and inequalities are reproduced and/or resisted by text and talk.
    Business and economy Communications Cultures Equality Politics Sociology Trade World Media Language higher education social inequality inequality marketing business consumer Consumerism market
  • Dr Andri Georgiadou

    Expert on diversity management, gender equality and international perspectives on equality at work.
    0115 748 7569
    Business and economy Education Gender gender discrimination Inclusion Business alumni
  • Tyler Kustra

    Tyler Kustra is an expert on economic sanctions, political violence including civil wars and terrorism, and Canadian politics. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Nottingham and has previously been a visiting fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University and previously as an economic adviser to the Parliament of Canada.
    07842 694902
    Business and economy Politics War and security economic sanctions political violence civil wars Terrorism canadian politics canada Russia Ukraine sanctions politics International Relations
  • Professor John Gathergood

    Modern financial and business services, in particular understanding consumer behaviour in financial markets, including consumer use of retail savings and debt products and financial regulation of these markets. Data analytics, including application of frontier methods in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Policy design and evaluation, including statutory processes.
    +44 (0)115 846 6447
    Brexit Business and economy housing market economics consumer finance credit debt borrowing Mortgages retirement finance business Financial Assistance Programme modern financial services modern business services Financial and Business Services consumer behaviour in financial markets consumer use of retail savings consumer use of debt products financial regulation financial regulation of debt products data analytics artificial intelligence machine learning policy design policy evaluation statutory processes Bank of England competition and markets authority buy now pay later klarna clearpay laybuy
  • Dr Florian Wiedmann

    As an academic architect specialized in investigating emerging cities from an international and interdisciplinary perspective, I have been involved in research, practice and teaching in Western Asia since 2006. My main focus has been the rapid urban transformation due to international migration in the Persian Gulf region. From 2011 to 2018 my research was funded by Qatar Foundation and one of the main areas of my expertise is the space production of knowledge economies in the context of rapid urban growth. In recent years, I have also established new links to institutions in India, Nepal and Vietnam.
    Architecture and Built Environment Business and economy Cultures History Migration Cities Persian Gulf GCC urbanism Sustainable development goals governanace
  • Dr Subhan Ullah

    I am interested in China's One belt one road passing through Pakistan. In addition i am also interested in firm level and country level governance issues, including issues relating to corruption, unethical business practices in Pakistan.
    Business and economy Environment climate change Corporate fraud unethical business activities Excessive executive compensation Survival of businesses in the Covid crisis accounting
  • Dr Don Lee

    Comparative political institutions and regime types; Comparative political economy; public administration and policy in Asia
    07848 116 415
    Business and economy Gender Politics Political Economy comparative presidential studies Public Policy public management North Asia southeast asia
  • Professor Sarah Hall

    My work examines the changing place of China in the international financial system with a particular focus on RMB internationalisation and the role of London within this.
  • Dr Alison K.S. Wee

    My research focuses on the evolution and conservation of coastal ecosystems. My primary goal is to understand their historical and future response to global change using molecular approaches, and to formulate sustainable development strategies. I work primarily on mangroves, with 12 years of field and lab experience in the Asia Pacific region, including in Japan, China and Thailand.
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Environment Science bioscience Governance life science Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Water
  • Dr Georgios Kapogiannis

    Georgios is recognized as a world leading expert and researcher in Digital Innovation and Project Management in Architecture, Engineering and Construction sector. He held roles in Greece, United Kingdom, China and Middle East and United States of America. He is a BRE BIM Certified ISO19650 Trainer, a Certified Project Manager and currently is working as an Assistant Professor in Building Information Modelling (BIM) at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China and a V.Professor in Management Information Systems in the College of Business Administration at the University of Northern Iowa, USA.. He is also an Associate Member of the Center for Structural Engineering and Informatics at The University of Nottingham UK campus. In addition, He is the Acting Deputy Director of the Geospatial and Hazard Research Group at the same university.
    +86 574 8818 8806
  • Dr Frithjof Arp

    International and cross-cultural business topics, with a particular interest in the linkage between organisational strategy and human resource management. Researching and teaching in China since 2014; has visited the country since the early nineteen nineties and had a professional career which includes ten years in Malaysia, ten years in Australia and four years in Singapore.
    +86 574 8818 0000 8165
    Business and economy International Relations Migration Sociology strategy microfinance International Business international human resource management cross-cultural communication self-initiated expatriate foreign executives
  • Dr Juergen Seufert

    Supporting companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions at the lowest cost and improving efficiency using state of the art management accounting techniques. Work is especially with airlines and the port sector (in Ningbo, China). Interdisciplinary research conflating engineering with cost accounting knowledge to achieve the most cost efficient greenhouse gas emission abatements.
    +86 574 8818 8274
    Business and economy greenhouse gas emissions airlines ports abatement climate change China
  • Dr José R. Sánchez-Fung

    Research on empirical and policy-relevant issues in the fields of open-economy macroeconomics and monetary policy, and development economics and policy, with a particular focus on developing countries including China.
    +86 574 8818 9181
    Business and economy open-economy macroeconomics Monetary policy China
  • Professor Stephen Morgan

    My research is multi-disciplined focused on China from the 18th century to the present, including business and economic history, economic development, international business and strategic management, politics and society, and health, nutrition and human welfare.
    Business and economy History International Relations Politics economic history Anthropometric History Heath and inequality Business and social networks FDI Communist Party of China
  • Professor Stephen Timmons

    Health services management & organisation, health service reform, implementation science, health care workforce, migrant health care workers.
  • Professor Peter Li

    I am a leading scholar in two areas: (1) indigenous research on Chinese management with a special focus on the modern implications of traditional Chinese philosophies, and (2) emerging multinational firms with a special focus on the strategy and innovation of Chinese multinational firms, especially their overseas mergers and acquisitions.
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures emerging economies MNCs China Chinese management innovation and entrepreneurship in China
  • Professor Pingping Fu

    Values, attitudes and behaviours of Chinese executive leaders in business organisations.
    +86 574 8818 0572
    Business and economy China business Executive leaders
  • Professor Martin Liu

    Martin has led the development for the Zhejiang Provincial Branding Academy, a research and education platform co-founded by UNNC and Zhejiang Provincial Government in China, where he contributes to the dialogues of strengthening the innovative branding capabilities of Zhejiang Made brands, specifically in the application of the digital transformation of firms, the education of next-generation branding specialist in the digital world, and in branding consultation to government and enterprises. In 2020, Professor Liu was appointed as chief expert to lead the Ningbo Academy of Social Science's "Dual Circulation and Economic Development Research Base" to contribute to China's policy and economic development.
  • Dr Martin J Liu

    Dr Liu's research interests are in the area of consumer behaviour, e-marketing and brand strategy. He is Member of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR) and European Marketing Academy (EMAC).
    +86 (0) 574 8818 0000 8139
    Business and economy China business e-marketing brand consumer behaviour China marketing digital innovation strategy branding Zhejiang Taiwan Hong Kong Vietnam
  • Professor Martin Lockett

    Over 40 years' experience in China - research has included Chinese management and culture, economic reform and development, international trade and investment, and innovation. He has worked on consulting and executive education in mainland China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Malaysia and Singapore.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8535
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Education Chinese management and culture economic reform and development international trade and investment innovation consulting Executive Education mainland China Hong Kong Macau Malaysia Singapore
  • Professor Jing Dai

    Professor Dai's research focuses on sustainable supply chains and supply chain innovation. She is the principal investigator for two grants funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). One is entitled "Exploring green supply chain management in China: strategy-structure-capability-performance perspective", and another "Environmental technology innovation for developing supply chains". Her research provides implications in achieving sustainability for business.
    Business and economy Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Professor Kim Hua Tan

    Accelerated product innovation; lean management; supply chain management; sustainable operations; lean green; operations strategy implementation
    +44 (0)115 8467 749
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy International Relations supply chain management sustainable operations lean green business
  • Professor Cong Cao

    Science and technology policy; innovation and entrepreneurship; talent; biotechnology; nanotechnology.
  • Professor Michele Geraci

    15 years experience in China/Asia policy research, first as head of China at Global Policy Institute London, then head of China Economic Research af Nottingham Uni, Ningbo. Advised western Governments on China policy, trade policy, international relations, china-Eu, China-US relations, China-EU investment agreement.
    +86 139 6712 1554
  • Dr Zhijing Zhu

    Technological catch-up and innovations in Asian emerging economies, International strategies of emerging economy firms.
  • Dr Xuan Feng

    I have extensive research experience with local Chinese government, Chinese and international companies and healthcare sectors in China. My research areas include: Leadership Development, Talent Policy Research, HRM, Organisational Career Development. I have won multiple municipal research grants and municipal teaching and research awards/recognitions. I also teaches in executive education programmes and has delivered teaching sessions in International HRM, change management and work design.
  • Dr Yingying Shi

    Economic development in Asia and international economics, researching the effectiveness of infrastructure investment in promoting China's regional economic performance and role of FDI policy in affecting firm level export performances in China.
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Xi Chen

    How the transition in emerging market influences individuals' justice perception, identity, and behaviors. How can entrepreneurs build social networks and navigate the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8556
    Business and economy Gender Psychology Identity and Rights women entrepreneurship intergenerational cooperation Organizational change
  • Dr Xiaodan Yu

    My research interests include industrial dynamics, firm growth, entrepreneurship, economics of innovation and Chinese economy. My research focuses on investigating the stylized facts of China's technological catch-up and leap forward based on longitudinal databased on China's industrial firms, and further explore possible explanations behind the stylized facts.
    Business and economy economics innovation Entrepreneurship Firm Growth industrial dynamics China
  • Dr Xiaogang Bi

    China Financial market, capital market, corporate finance.
    Business and economy Asia China Mergers and Acquisitions corporate finance Management bonds IPO trading strategies big data AI
  • Dr Tingting Ying

    Focus on corporate finance and accounting, particularly corporate governance and market based accounting research in China.
    +86 1378 0007 774
    Business and economy corporate governance Governance
  • Dr Michael Mustafa

    My expertise is on SMEs and Asian Family Business and how they have developed in response to the institutional environments of ASEAN
  • Dr Michal Lemanski

    Responsible Leadership in Asia, Responsible Consumption in Asia, E-Waste in Asia
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Education Migration Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Mohan Avvari

    My interest and expertise is around business organisations developing capabilities for sustainable strategies and Innovation. In particular how businesses develop inter-organizational linkages for enhancing innovation and also for developing sustainable /socially responsible strategies in Asia. I have also developed expertise around how small and medium enterprises (SMEs), particularly those located in 'regional clusters', develop linkages or form networks for their business strategies and innovation. I have done work in the above area in the context of Malaysia, India and South Korea.
    Business and economy innovation Responsible Business innovation systems Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Punita Bhatt

    Entrepreneurship Education in Developing and Emerging Markets; Social Entrepreneurship/innovation in Asia; Empowerment of marginalised communities through entrepreneurship programmes; Women's Entrepreneurship; Community based entrepreneurship in cooperatives and social enterprises.
    Business and economy Environment Sustainable development goals agriculture
  • Dr Kun Jiang

    My research in China Economy addresses the dynamics of the political economy of Chinese private firms. I am also interested in how government R&D subsidies affect corporate innovation. The examination of the effects of China's industrial clusters is on top of my research agenda. In future, I aim to explore the mechanism and determinants through which FDI spillovers take place in China.
    Business and economy Politics Governance Sustainable development goals
  • Dr Lina Zhang

    My research interests lie in the following areas: - Omni-channel retailing supply chain - Digital supply Chain - Sustainable supply chain My research methods include mathematical programming and game theory.
  • Dr Kin Boon Tang

    Capital market analysis and derivative investment.
  • Dr Jinmin Wang

    My research mainly focuses on international strategy of Chinese multinational companies, digital entrepreneurship, business model innovation, industrial clusters and regional development in China.
    0115 7484474 / 07879878957
    Business and economy Trade Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
  • Dr Huamao Wang

    I have been doing researches about small and medium enterprises' loan borrowing under insurance institutions' guarantees in China. I am also carrying on FinTech projects about apply machine learning, deep learning, etc artificial technology to solving current challenges of sustainable development in terms of financial product pricing, individual and firms' credit assessment, financing, and investment.
    Business and economy Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Sustainable development goals
  • Dr Jane Nolan

    Jane is an interdisciplinary scholar drawing on theoretical approaches from sociology, anthropology and management studies. Her research interests in Asia are: State influence on management decision-making and corporate governance in financial MNCs operating in PRC; Expatriate management in PRC; Employee perceptions of organisational justice in Chinese banks; Elite global social networks; Comparative employee relations.
  • Dr David Birchall

    I have written on aspects of Hong Kong including the housing markets, socio-economic rights compliance, and the use of corporal punishment. I am currently looking at China's poverty alleviation strategy as related to business.
    Business and economy Law Politics human rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Dilip Mutum

    Research on Consumer behaviour, digital consumption and sustainable marketing in Malaysia.
    +6 (03) 8725 3754
    Business and economy Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Carol Hooi

    Competencies in the digital world, developing global human resources, mission accomplishment of expatriates, organisational best practices in professionalism, E-HRM, human capital management, human capital development, employee loyalty, change management, organisational justice, organisational citizenship behaviour, organisational learning capability, organisational performance, leadership succession planning, talent management, internship and cyber ethics and behaviour.
    +60 38924 8702
  • Dr Annie Yi RUAN

    Dr. Yi Ruan is an Assistant Professor of Strategy at Nottingham University Business School China. Previously she worked as a Senior Manager of Technology Transfer at the Public Utilities Board (PUB) in Singapore and an Adjunct Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before that, she worked as a senior research fellow at the Division of Engineering & Technology Management and Institute of Engineering Leadership in NUS. Her research covers topics on the technology transfer between public and private sectors, technology commercialisation and entrepreneurship. She has published book chapter, case studies, and academic papers on the topics of Disruptive Innovation, Innovations in China and India, Technology Transfer in reputable journals. Her current research interests include entrepreneurial decision making process, academic entrepreneurship, business ecosystem in China, technology upgrading of Chinese SMEs, etc.
    Business and economy Technology innovation technology entrenpreneurship China
  • Dr Ahmed Barakat

    I am working in several research grants on Asian SMEs, fintech, financial inclusion, and climate risks. I am also supervising several PhD students working on these areas in Asian countries.
    Business and economy Environment Operational Risk Cyber Risk Insurance Disclosures Financial Reporting
  • Dr Aditya Jain

    Dr Jain's expertise lies in public policy and risk management of the psychological and social work environment, aimed at business and societal sustainability and promotion of wellbeing at work.
    0115 828 3033
    Business and economy Education Law Politics Psychology Sociology Governance human rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Public Policy risk management psychological work environment social work environment business sustainability societal sustainability wellbeing at work wellbeing business in society labour law employment relationship business responsibility sustainable development working conditions decent work voluntary standards social dialogue corporate social responsibility future of work
  • Dr Zhihong Yu

    China and the world economy, Asian firms' responses to globalisation, trade liberalisation, foreign direct investment, and global value chains.
    0115 846 8267
    Business and economy International Relations China world economy Asia globalisation Trade Liberalisation Foreign direct investment global value chains
  • Professor Meryem Duygun

    Banking; insurance; risk; SMEs access to finance; Artificial intelligence and Financial services; FinTech
    +44 (0) 115 9515 267
    Business and economy Technology Banking finance Insurance artificial intelligence
  • Professor Ken Starkey

    Management; sustainable management; organisational learning; public policy; the role and future of business schools. Fellow of the Sunningdale Institute of the National School of Government.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5260
    Business and economy Management sustainable Public policy business Government
  • Professor Kok Wei Khong

    Expertise in data analytics particularly in the use of Machine Learning (ML) structural equation modeling (SEM), social media analytics and text mining.
    +60 38924 8019
    Business and economy Communications data analysis machine learning Structural Equation Modelling social media Malaysia Indonesia
  • Professor Emmanuel Adegbite

    African businesses and their strategies for corporate governance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and management control systems. Africapitalism.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6203
    Business and economy Africa Capitalism corporate social responsibility (CSR) corporate soc corporate governance
  • Professor Chee Wei Phang

    Culture and information technology use and cultural influence on marketing strategies.
    Business and economy Cultures Education Culture information technology cultural influence marketing strategies China Malaysia Singapore
  • Professor David Paton

    The Post-Brexit economy, economics of sport (particularly cricket); gambling taxation; Economics of abortion, family planning and teenage pregnancy.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6601
    Brexit Business and economy business economic Economy Gambling markets Taxes abortion family planning teenage pregnancy pregnancy
  • Professor Alain Chong

    E-business, technology acceptance and healthcare information systems implementations in Asia. Specifically interested in new technologies such as blockchains, social media, big data, live streaming and their impact in business and society in Asia.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8587
    Business and economy Blockchain e-business healthcare information systems social media big data Asia
  • Mark Idelson

    Comparative Sino-Western thinking; effective cross-cultural experential learning; technology, society, economy and culture's interplay applicable to situations where negotiations, mergers, alliances develop between parties with diverse perspectives
    Business and economy Technology World technology entrenpreneurship Mathematics Financial services software engineering
  • Dr Yingfa Lu

    Accounting, accounting profession, accounting history, auditing, corporate governance, business law, and professional negligence.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8480
  • Dr Wei Huang

    Corporate finance, market based accounting research, and SME finance and innovation. Has published extensively in high quality finance, accounting, and economics journals.
    +86 574 8818 0233
    Business and economy China Malaysia corporate finance accounting Research SME finance innovation
  • Dr Tiantian Zhang

    ASEAN financial market integration, banking markets in Asia, supply Chain finance and inclusive finance in China.
    +86 574 8818 0364
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy ASEAN financial markets Integration banking markets Asia Supply Chain finance China
  • Dr Steven Zhou

    Focus on bridging world and management practices in academia and exploring the root of Chinese management and innovation from Chinese traditional culture.
    +86 574 8818 8803
    Architecture and Built Environment Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures China Management business culture innovation traditions
  • Dr Thomas Chesney

    People's interaction with, and reaction to, information systems. Virtual worlds.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7759
    Business and economy Rights Lab business people interactions Information systems virtual world
  • Dr Sally Hibbert

    Donor decision making; emotional influences on consumer behaviour; ethical consumption; donor behaviour/charitable giving; consumer vulnerability and disadvantage; consumer education; customer participation; value co-creation.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7653
    Business and economy business Donor emotional consumer Behaviour ethical consumption charitable education
  • Dr Shih-wei Hsu

    Knowledge management in the Chinese context, leadership and social movement organisations.
    +86 574 8818 0293
    Business and economy Cultures Psychology China knowledge management leadership social movement organisations Asia
  • Dr Simon Parker

    I can provide comment, interviews, articles on management issues, co-operatives, workplace democracy, essay mills, banking, regulation, accreditation, culture, time and temporality.
    +44 (0) 115 8466624
    Business and economy Workplace culture Banking Capitalism co-operation Essay mills organisation Organisational culture
  • Dr Robert A Lambert

    Environmental history. Tourism and the environment. Sustainable tourism. Eco-tourism. Environmental management. Environmental policy. Birds and birdwatching. British wildlife. Television and radio natural history/wildlife programming. BBC Natural History Unit. Australia and New Zealand ecology. Public history and heritage. Environmental geography. Landscape history. Antarctica.
    +44 (0)115 8466699/07799 126461/+44 (0)1664 822150
    Brexit Business and economy Environment History World Environment Tourism birds wildlife Television and Radio australia new zealand ecology history heritage landscape Geography Antarctica
  • Dr Saileshsingh Gunessee

    'China-related economics', which include: Chinese companies drive to 'go global', Chinese companies becoming truly global corporations, Chinese foreign economic engagement in light of the Belt & Road Initiative, understanding the 'Economics of Belt and Road Initiative', entrepreneurial innovation in China.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8231
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy China's economy global corporations Belt and Road Initiative entrepreneurial innovation China Asia
  • Dr Nafis Alam

    Islamic banking and finance with special emphasis on banking efficiency, corporate governance and risk management issues. Banking sector development and economic growth.
    +6 (03) 89248279 , +6 0162575486
    Brexit Business and economy business Islamic Banking finance Goverment Effciency economic
  • Dr Marc Idelson

    Applied Sino-Western comparative philosophy.
    +86 574 8818 6072
    Business and economy Mathematics Sociology China business philosophy Hong Kong Taiwan
  • Dr Maria Luo

    Service marketing in the greater China region, specifically in customer relationship management, service recovery, E-WoM, and customers' aggressive behaviours.
    +86 574 8818 9264
    Business and economy Service marketing greater China region Customer Relationship Management service recovery E-WoM China Japan
  • Dr Lei Li

    Internationalisation strategies of Chinese firms, social entrepreneurship and social enterprise in Greater China.
    +86 (0)574 8818 0852
    Business and economy internationalisation strategies Chinese Firms social entrepreneurship social enterprise China Japan Hong Kong Bhutan Greater China
  • Dr Ken Yeoh

    Corporate governance in East Asia, particularly Malaysia. Focus on corporate social responsibility and sustainability initiatives undertaken by large publicly-listed firms in Malaysia (in particular, stakeholder engagement/management strategies).
    +60 38924 8258
    Business and economy corporate governance corporate social responsibility (CSR) Sustainability China Malaysia Singapore
  • Dr Judy Muthuri

    Corporate citizenship; corporate social responsibility and development; corporate social investment; supply chain and inclusive business; stakeholder engagement; corporate social responsibility in developing countries.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6615
    Business and economy business corporate citizenship investment stakeholders
  • Dr Kemi Yekini

    Corporate accountability through the transparency of corporate disclosures with keen interest in sustainability reporting, creative accounting/earnings management and fraudulent financial reporting, corporate governance - issues around non-executive directors and directors' remuneration and how these issues impact on the quality of financial reporting.
    0115 823 2432
  • Dr Jie Yu

    Expert in Information Systems, especially e-commerce in China, big data analytics in E-healthcare and Fintech.
    +86 574 8818 8360
    Business and economy Education Health and Medicine China Singapore information systems e-commerce Big Data Analytics E-healthcare Fintech
  • Dr Hannah Noke

    Innovation, especially in the public sector and SMEs.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6563
    Business and economy business innovation public sector SMEs
  • Dr Fui-Theng Leow

    Impact of digital media on information literacy and learning environments, as well as the development of creative media and networked-based pedagogy for education innovation and reform.
    +86 574 8818 8224
    Art Business and economy Communications Education Psychology multimedia instructional design pedagogy social media digital society
  • Dr Gerardus Lucas

    How strategic decision makers collect, interpret and act upon performance information pertaining to their organisation.
    0115 9515278
    Business and economy Trade organisational behaviour business collaboration strategic Organisational culture decision makers
  • Dr Hafez Abdo

    Specialist in accounting and taxation of the extractive industries with special focus on the oil and gas industry. Has also researched and done media commentary on energy policy topics.
    0115 7487570
    Business and economy Energy accounting Taxation Energy Policy oil gas extractive industries UK energy policy Regulations
  • Dr Haibo Zhou

    Entrepreneurship and innovation in Northeast Asia.
    +86 57488 188 8802
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Northeast Asia innovation Entrepreneurship
  • Dr Émilie Lapointe

    Mentoring and leadership in the Chinese context.
    +86 0574 8818 6423
    Business and economy Mentoring leadership China business
  • Dr Chee Meng Tan

    Dr Tan looks at how panda diplomacy, infrastructure investment and Confucius Institutes influence foreign public opinion towards China. Dr Tan also looks at how people's trust in the state is altered when foreign governments engage with China through the three aforementioned Chinese public diplomacy tools.
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy International Relations Trade Panda Diplomacy Trade Confucius Institute diplomacy business China
  • Dr Byungchul Choi

    As an innovation expert, Dr Choi's research focuses on understanding how firms create value through Management of Technology (MOT). More specifically, on the decision making mechanisms and management systems to achieve successful technological innovation.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 0996
    Business and economy Technology World business Management technology China
  • Dr Casey Watters

    Commercial law in East Asia, published on corporate insolvency, bankruptcy, cross-border insolvency, mergers and acquisitions and piercing the corporate veil. Previously the Yong Pung How Research Fellow at Singapore Management University School of Law's Centre for Cross-Border Commercial Law in Asia ("CEBCLA").
    +86 574 8818 8702
    Business and economy Law Commercial Law East Asia corporate insolvency bankruptcy cross-border insolvency Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Dr Alexander Trautrims

    Logistics and supply chains ie. the operations that are run behind every business, with a focus on the retail sector. How products get to the supermarket shelf, collaboration between retailers and suppliers, sustainability issues ie. food miles, and the impact of online shopping on the retail sector. Vulnerability of supply chains and logistics networks.
    +44 (0) 115 823 1414
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Environment International Relations Rights Lab Logistics supply chains business retail supermarkets retailers Sustainability modern slavery human rights sustainability scandals
  • Andrew Corcoran

    Digital technologies; internet of things, chatbots, artificial intelligence, cybercrime, fake news, cloud, blockchain, augmented and virtual reality, 3D prinitng, sensors, big data analytics.
    +44 (0) 115 8467652
    Business and economy Technology Big Data Analytics chatbots artificial intelligence cybercrime fake news Cloud Blockchain augmented and virtual reality 3D prinitng sensors internet of things
  • Caroline Emberson

    Modern slavery risk in UK public services such as adult social care
    +44 (0)115 8466 121
    Business and economy Rights Lab modern slavery Rights Lab social care public services
  • Dr Abby Zhou

    Multinational corporations from emerging economies in Asia, indigenous innovation and management practices in China.
    +86 574 8818 8697
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Multinational Corporations emerging economies Asia indigenous innovation Management China India
  • Dr Anastasios Pagiaslis

    Expert in brands and advertising. How consumers behave and why. How you do research especially market research and how you can interpret research results as well as actually interpreting academic research results for the public.
    +44 (0) 115 8466257
    Business and economy brand awareness consumer behaviour Advertising shopping
  • Professor Paul Wilson

    The economics of farming. BREXIT. Farm efficiency and performance variation. Sustainability and sustainabilty intensification. Agriculture and the environment; Agricultural policy. Food consumer behaviour.
    +44 (0) 115 951 6075
    Brexit Business and economy Environment Food Science economics agriculture farming food business Environment future food Science Brexit
  • Dr Rebecca Ford

    Sensory perception, consumer behaviour of food and drink, food science, neuroscience, sensory signals, how we perceive what we eat and drink. Enjoyment of food, food choice, health, nutritional status. Expert beer taster and trains others to assess beer quality. Taste of drinking water, what makes a good 'taster', food choice.
    +44 (0) 115 9516685
    Business and economy Education Health and Medicine Science sensory perception consumer behaviour food drink food science neuroscience sensory signals enjoyment of food food choice health nutritional status beer tasting beer quality drinking water
  • Professor Andreas Bieler

    Globalisation. European integration. Trade unions. European industrial relations.
    +44 (0)115 9514492
    Brexit Business and economy Politics World globalisation Europe European Integration trade unions industrial relations
  • Professor Richard Upward

    The behaviour of Chinese firms in the export market, with a particular focus on what happened to Chinese firms and exports to the US when export quotas were removed in the 2000s and the effect of the Hukou reform on the labour market in China.
    0115 951 4735
    Business and economy China Exports firms us export quotas Hukou reform labour market
  • Dr Usman Khalid

    Economist working on the relationships that exist at the cross-section of Economics and Politics. Usman has worked on a variety of topics in the Asian context such as exploring the relationship between firm ownership and carbon emissions in China, and understanding the relationship between trade, outward FDI and economic growth.
    +6 (03) 8924 8255
    Business and economy Environment International Relations Politics Trade Economy Asia Trade politics Sri Lanka Malaysia Pakistan carbon emissions Economic Growth
  • Dr Zhuo Chen

    Professor Chen brings expertise on public health systems in the US and China with perspectives from health economics and health policies. He has contributed to the understanding of social determinants in China and how policies may be relevant in improving health among less privileged populations including older adults.
    +86 (0)574 8818 8565
    Business and economy Gender Health and Medicine Economics of genomics health disparities social determinants of health big data analysis forecasting health workforce
  • Mandy Sim

    Mandy collaborates with government agencies, global organisations, business associations, and other stakeholders to identify pertinent issues in the service business industry which include inter-organisational linkages for innovation and marketing, talent for digital economy and business trends in Asia.
    Business and economy innovation digital economy
  • Dr Melissa Yoong

    I research and publish in the area of language, gender, employment, family care and female economic migration in Southeast Asia. My work critically examines how text and talk in institutional, media and public domains contribute to and present gender inequalities as natural and even desirable.
    Business and economy Gender Migration Politics Sociology Identity and Rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Hazel Melanie Ramos

    My work is primarily on the management of employees in various business contexts focusing on the attitudes and organisational contexts that affect performance and behaviours at work. I research employee wellbeing, worklife conflicts and psychological ownership. One of my key areas of research is the management of employees in family businesses and SMEs in Asia.
    Business and economy Education Gender Philosophy Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Muhammad Shafiullah

    I have expertise in trade, energy, and economic growth in South Asia.
  • Professor Hing Kai Chan

    Focuses on intelligent manufacturing and supply chain management, digital innovation, and sustainable operations and supply chain. Employs modelling, simulation and soft computing techniques. Had been working in the electronic manufacturing sector over 10 years prior to joining the academia.
  • Dr Minghai Zhou

    Labour economics, international economics and development economics broadly defined, including income distribution, labour unions, labour migration and CEO labour markets with a focus on China.
    Business and economy China Economic Reform Income Distribution Labour Markets Outward FDI economics Labour Economics development economics international economics
  • Dr Wing Leong Teo

    Economic fluctuations and economic policies, especially that of Malaysia.
    Business and economy Malaysia Economic policy
  • Dr Luke Emeka Okafor

    Economic issues that relate to international trade, regional connectivity, digital transformation, tourism economics, development process, and industrial organization with a specific focus on how firms, industries, and countries respond to globalization and shocks. This includes investigating the interplay between digitalization, economic resilience, and performance as well as COVID-19 effects on firms, industries, and economies.
    +6 (03) 8725 3716
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Education Energy Environment Gender Migration Trade Corruption Governance human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable development goals
  • Dr Sabina Lawreniuk

    Labour rights and working conditions in the garment industry; Global value chains / global production networks; Trade and development; Gender and development; Cambodian politics and economy.
    Business and economy Gender Migration Politics Trade Governance human rights Sustainable development goals
  • Mikko Hänninen

    Mikko's expertise lies on any topic related to retailing, specifically e-commerce, the platform economy and customer experience.
    Business and economy Technology Trade retail developments Amazon digital business models digital technology Digital platforms retail consumer services e-commerce platform economy customer experience Business School digital intermediaries black friday consumer behaviour customer behaviour purchase behaviour consumer trends customer trends shopping trends online shopping shopping online high street covid-19 Alibaba
  • Professor Eugene Ch'ng

    Developing Virtual Reality technology for the production, storage and sharing of cultural heritage spanning large spatial-temporal scales. Develop technology for retrieving, processing, and tools for visual analytics for large social media datasets for understanding phenomena within connected societies.
    +86 574 8818 3049
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Art Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Environment History Science virtual reality augmented reality social media big data Digital heritage virtual heritage computational archaeology
  • Dr Daniel Mutibwa

    Issues around emerging business models, community-building, sustainability and copyright that are shaping the direction of grassroots design and digital fabrication and hardware entrepreneurialism in the Greater China region and their impact on the global digital economy.
    0115 82 32251
    Business and economy Communications Cultures emerging business models community-building Sustainability Copyright grassroots design digital fabrication entrepreneurialism greater China region digital economy
  • Professor Andrew Leyshon

    Geographies of money and finance, especially financial exclusion such as bank branch closure, financial literacy and alternative financial institutions such as Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS). Geographies of the music industry, especially the impact of 'software formats' such as MP3, internet distribution systems and peer-to-peer networks. Geographies of e-commerce.
    +44 (0)115 8466147/07944 686843
    Arts and Culture Business and economy Technology Geography money finance bank branch closure Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) music software MP3 Internet peer-to-peer networks e-commerce
  • Katherine SUN

    Comparative education research on Sino-Foreign universities
    + 88180000-1074
    Business and economy Education World education Sino-foreign universities IAPS
  • Professor Oliver Morrissey

    International trade policy: developing countries trade; trade agreements; WTO; EU-Africa trade International development: aid policy, effect of aid on developing countries; agriculture and trade in developing countries.
    +44 (0)115 951 54 75
    Brexit Business and economy Politics World Brexit International Trade Developing Countries Trade
  • Professor Chris Milner

    International trade and trade policies. Multilateral and regional trade negotiations with particular reference to the developing countries and the experience of particular countries (eg Mauritius, Uganda, UAE) and regions (Caribbean).
    +44 (0) 115 951 5624
    Business and economy economics International Trade Trade Policies
  • Professor Stephen Morgan

    Chinese economic and social development; the management of Chinese firms; China's engagement with the global economy
    +86 (0)574 8818 0988, +86 18667802355
    Business and economy China World China business Global Economy China's global engagement IAPS
  • Tommaso Faccio

    Corporation tax; international taxation; transfer pricing.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6104
    Business and economy business Corporation tax international pricing
  • Professor Simon Mosey

    Technology-based entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education; managing the commercial exploitation of science and technology within higher education; the development of technology-based innovations within networks.
    +44 (0)115 951 3763
    Business and economy Education Science Technology technology Entrepreneurship education Science higher education innovation
  • Professor Kulwant Pawar

    Managing new product development; interface between product development and supply chain; managing design teams in virtual enterprises; organisational readiness for new product development; knowledge transfer and share in the extended enterprise and outsourcing.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4029
    Business and economy Managing development products interface Supply Chain enterprise virtual
  • Professor Bart Maccarthy

    Operations management and management science; modelling and analysis of supply chain and logistics systems; mass customisation theory and practice; models and systems for planning, scheduling and control; networks for international operations; optimisation and simulation modelling.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4025/4011 , +44 (0) 7814 535 035
    Business and economy operations Management Science modelling Supply chain Logistics customisation Networks international
  • Professor Andrew Smith

    Consumer behavior. Customer loyalty schemes. Chaos theory and consumption.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7650
    Business and economy business data big data customer Theory analytic
  • Dr Kevin Amess

    Leveraged buyouts and private equity. Corporate governance and restructuring. The economics of internal organisation.
    +44 (0) 115 846 7757
    Business and economy Leveraged buyouts equity private corporate Government economics
  • Dr Jeannie Holstein

    Government policy on science, innovation and enterprise. The changing role of the university from science partner to the centre of an innovation ecosystem.
    +44 (0) 115 846 6408
    Business and economy Government policy Science innovation enterprise university ecosystem
  • Dr Isobel O'Neil

    Entrepreneurship and what it means to people; sustainable entrepreneurship.
    +44 (0) 115 951 4730
    Business and economy business Entrepreneurship sustainable

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