Available translations into English

I am extremely grateful to the Leverhulme Trust, who kindly funded many of these translations. Some were funded by the now defunct Department of Applied Biology, Cambridge University. Others were done gratis by Hilary Gilbert and various other kind people, and some by me.

All are offered as they are, with no guarantees of accuracy, especially those done by me!  I would be very grateful for any corrections or additions.  Usually only the bits that are relevant to me (basically anything non-taxonomic) have been translated, and sometimes they are very incomplete (although they will be completed as I reach the relevant part of my book).

Please acknowledge the use of these translations, as appropriate: it does make a difference.

All down-loadable files are in Word97 format. None of the figures is reproduced, and usually none of the tables either. Thus you will need the original paper too.
If there is no blue link to a down-loadable translation, then the translation is obtainable from me as a photocopy

If anyone has other translations that they can donate to the site, please let me know at mailto:francis.gilbert@nottingham.ac.uk

Format:  Authors, original title (transliterated if necessary or possible), translated title, full source, Language, abstract language (if any)


Adashkevich BP (1975)  Entomofagi vreditelei ovoshchnuikh kultur, [Entomophagous insects on vegetable crops. Aphidophages]: 1 –190, Vses nauchno-issled inst biol metod zashch rast, Kolos, Moscow, Ru

Adashkevich BP & Bradovskaya NP (1980)  Razvitiye khishchnuikh sirfid (Diptera, Syrphidae) pri razvedenii v laboratornuikh usloviyakh, [Development of predatory syrphids (Diptera) during laboratory rearing], Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. Moskva, 59: 133 – 136, Ru, en

Adashkevich BP & Karelin VD (1972)  Razvedeniye mykh-zhurchalok (Diptera, Syrphidae) v laboratorii, [Rearing of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) in the laboratory], Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. Moskva, 51: 1395 – 1398, Ru

Adashkevich BP & Karelin VD (1975)  Razvedeniye sirfid, [Rearing of Syrphidae], Zashchita Rastenii. Leningrad, 7: 22 – 23, Ru

Adashkevich BP & Karelin VD (1977)  [Effectiveness of hoverflies in glasshouses]: 3 – 4, Popushoi IS (ed)., Biological and chemical methods of plant protection., Stiinca, Kishinev.(transl AA Balkema, Rotterdam), Ru

Afanas'eva OG (1980)  [Functional morphology of the male genitalia in Diptera. 1. Tipula czizeki (Tipulidae) and Eristalis nemorum (Syrphidae)], Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. Moscow, 59: 262 – 268, (transl. Ent Rev Wash 59: 20-26), Ru

Aguilar J d' & Coutin R (1988)   Cheilosia caerulescens Meigen, ravageur des Joubarbes, [Cheilosia caerulescens Meigen, destroyer of houseleek], Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France. Paris, 92: 307 – 309, Fr

Akima M (1979) [Are the larvae of Volucella tabanoides truly scavengers ?], The Insectarium, 16(9): 23, Ja

Al-Khesraji TO, Annon MR & Wahid AUA (1987)  [Insect pests attacking parasitic flowering plants in the southern desert of Iraq], Iraqi Journal of agricultural Sciences 'Zanco', 5: 197 – 216, Ar, en

Alfieri E (1920)  [A probably new species of gallicolous aphid of the elm and its symbionts], Bollettino del Laboratorio Zoologia Generale e Agraria delle R Scuola Superiore d'Agric, Portici, 14: 18 – 32, It

Alsterberg G (1934) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Anatomie und Biologie der limnophilen Syrphidenlarven,[Contribution to knowledge of the anatomy and biology of limnophilous syrphid larvae], Biologisches Zentralblatt 54: 1-20, De

Andries M (1912)  Zur Systematik, Biologie und Entwicklung von Microdon Meigen, [On the systematics, biology and development of Microdon Meigen], Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 103: 300 – 361, De

Aruga Y (1961)  [Didea alneti Fallen as the predator of Lachnus tropicalis van der Goot], Forest Protection News, 10(12): 248 – 251, Ja

Arzone A (1971) Dittero sirfide rizofago, nemico nuovo della nostra orticoltura (Nota preventiva), [A rhizome-feeding syrphid fly, a new pest of our horticulture (preventative note)], Informatore Fitopatalogico 21: 3-7, It

Arzone A (1972) Riperti biologici su Eumerus tricolor Meigen, nocivo alle coltivazione di Tragopogon porrifolius L. in Piedmonte (Dipt., Syrphidae), [Biological findings on Eumerus tricolor Meigen, injurious to crops of Tragopogon porrifolius L. in Piedmont (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Annali della Facolta di Scienze Agrarie della Universita degli Studi di Torino 7: 17-52, It

Arzone A (1973) Tragopogon porrifolius L., ospite naturale di Eumerus tricolor Meigen (Diptera, Syrphidae), [Tragopogon porrifolius L., a natural food-plant of Eumerus tricolor Meigen (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Annali della Facolta di Scienze Agrarie della Universita degli Studi di Torino 8: 55-66, It

Asayama T, Imamura S & Osaki N (1972)  [Bionomics of Cheilosia yesonica Matsumura (Diptera, Syrphidae) on Japanese Butterbur fields], Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 16(4): 171 – 174, Ja, en

Asgari A (1966)  Untersuchungen über die im Raum Stuttgart-Hohenheim als wichstigste Prädatoren der grünen Apfelblattlaus (Aphidula pomi DeG.) autretenden Arthropoden, [Investigations on the arthropods occurring in the area of Hohenheim near Stuttgart as the most important predators of Aphis pomi], Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie, 53: 35 – 93, De, en

Asyakin BP (1973)  Laboratornoye razvedeniye Syrphus corollae F. (Diptera, Syrphidae), [Laboratory culturing of Syrphus corollae F. (Diptera, Syrphidae)]: 32 – 34, Sbornik 'Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie voprosy ratsionalnogo ispol'zovaniya zhivotnik i rastenii'., Zinatnye, Riga, USSR., Ru

Asyakin BP, Mashek AA & Gyerasimova GV (1975)  Vliyaniye imaginalnovo pitaniya i obeskrylivaniya samok na plodovitost Syrphus corollae F. (Diptera, Syrphidae), [The effect of imaginal nutrition and removal of wings of females on fertility in Syrphus corollae. (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Zapiski Leningradskogo selskhozynaistvennogo Instityt, Leningrad, 270: 38 – 40, Ru

Bänsch R (1964)  Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Biologie und zum Beutefangverhalten aphidivorer Coccinelliden, Chrysopiden und Syrphiden, [Comparative studies on the biology and prey searching of aphidophagous coccinellids, chrysopids and syrphids], Zoologisches Jahrbuch, Abteilung Systematik, 91: 271 – 340, De, de

Bagachanova AK (1990)  Fauna i ekologiya mukh-zhurchalok (Diptera, Syrphidae) Yakutii, [The fauna and ecology of the hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) of Yakutia]: 1 – 164, Yakutsk Nauchnye Tsentr SO AN SSSR, Ru

Barkalov AV & Mutin VA (1991)  [Revision of the hoverflies of the genus Blera Billberg 1820 (Diptera, Syrphidae). II.], Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. Moscow, 70: 204 – 213, Ru, en

Becher E (1882)  Zur Kenntnis der Mundtheile der Dipteren, [Towards understanding of the mouthparts of Diptera], Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien. (Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse), 45: 123 – 162, De

Biegel W (1953) Zur Biologie und Ökologie sozialer Wespen,[On the biology and ecology of social wasps], Sitzungsbericht der physikalisch-medizinisch Sozietät zu Erlangen 76: 115-153, De

Bombosch S (1956)  Einige Erfahrungen in der Zucht von Schwebfliegen, [Some experiences in the rearing of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzen- und Umweltschutz. Berlin, 29: 147 – De

Bombosch S (1957)  Erfahrungen über Laboratoriumszuchten aphidivorer Schwebfliegen, [Experiences in the laboratory rearing of aphidophagous syrphids], Wanderversammlung Deutscher Entomologen. Berlin-Dahlem, 8: 160 – 162, De

Bombosch S (1962)  Untersuchung über die Auslösung der Eiablage bei Syrphus corollae Fabr. (Diptera, Syrphidae), [Studies on stimulation of oviposition in Syrphus corollae Fabr. (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie, 50: 81 – 88, De

Bombosch S (1963)  Untersuchungen zur Vermehrung von Aphis fabae Scop. in Samenrübenbeständen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schwebfliegen (Diptera, Syrphidae).  [ Studies on the multiplication of Aphis fabae Scop. in seed beet crops, with particular reference to hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) ].  Z angew Ent 52: 105-141

Bondarenko NV & Asyakin BP (1975) Behaviour of the predatory midge (Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rond.) and other aphidivorous insects in relation to population density of the prey. pp. 6 – 14 in VP Pristavko (ed), Insect behaviour as a basis for developing control measures against pests of field crops and forest, Kiev; transl. RS Chakravarthy, Oxonian Press, New, En

Borelli N (1920)  Contributo alla conoscenza della vita nelle galle dell'alloro, [Contribution to knowledge about life in galls on bay trees [Laurus nobilis]], Bollettino della Societa entomologia Italia, Firenze, 51: 1 – 37, It

Borisova VG (1983)  Potentsialnaya plodovitost mykh-zhurchalok (Diptera, Syrphidae), [The potential fecundity of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. Moskva, 62: 1274 – 1277, Ru, en

Borisova VG (1984)  Dva napravleniya v evolyutsionom razvitii mykh semeistva Syrphidae, [Two branches in the evolutionary development of the Syrphidae]: 18 – 20, [ Studies in the evolution and phylogeny of Diptera], Sbornik Nauch Trudov, M, Ivanovskoye otd MOIP 126, Ru

Bradovskaya VP (1977)  [Developmental characteristics of syrphids], 16-18 in [Biological methods of vegetable pest control], Stiinca, Kishinev, Ru

Brandt E (1880) Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen über das Nervensystem der Zweiflügler (Diptera), [Studies in the comparative anatomy of the nervous system of flies (Diptera)], Trudy Russ Ent Obshch 15: 84-101, De

Brauns A (1953) Beiträge zur Ökologie und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der aphidivoren Syrphidenarten. [ Studies on the ecology and economic importance of aphidophagous species of Syrphidae ] Beiträge zur Entomologie 3(3): 278-303

Busuyok OI (1977)  [Syrphids (Diptera, Syrphidae) - aphidophages in winter wheat fields in Moldova], 17-20 in [Predators and parasites of agricultural pests], Stiinca, Kishinev, Ru

Carrera M & Lenko K (1958)  Descrição de duas espécies novas de Mixogaster (Diptera: Syrphidae) e observações sôbre inquilinismo de uma delas em ninhos de Iridomyrmex humilis, a "formiga argentina", [Description of two new species of Mixogaster (Diptera: Syrphidae), and observations on inquilinism of one in the brood of Iridomyrmex humilis, the "argentine ant" ], Studi Entomologici, Petropolis (NS) 1: 465-486

Cepelak J (1967)  Prispevok k poznaniu sezonnej dynamiky pestric Zadielskej doliny (Syrphidae, Diptera), [Contribution to knowledge of the seasonal dynamics of the hoverflies of the Zadiel-Tales (Syrphidae, Diptera)], Zbornik Vychodoslovenskeho Muzea. Kosice. Ser. B, 8: 176 – 9, Slovak, de

Cepelak J (1980)  K rozsireni a biologii vyssich dvoukridlych severni Moravy a Slezska (Diptera, Brachycera). I., [On the distribution and biology of higher Diptera of North Morava and Slezsko (Diptera, Brachycera) I.], Casopis Slezskeho Musea v Opava. Ser. A. Historia Naturalis, 29: 249 – 268, Cz, de, ru

Cepelak J & Kempny L (1958)  Niektore Poznamky k rozsireniu a dynamike pestric (Syrphidae - Dipt.) okolia pramena rieky Nitry, [Some remarks on the distribution and dynamics of hoverflies (Syrphidae - Dipt.) of the spring area of the Nitra river], Biologia, Bratislava, 13: 833 – 8, Slovak, de

Cepelak J & Zajonc I (1962)  Zoogeograficke hodnotenie pestric (Syrphidae, Dipt.) Nitrianskej kotliny a pril'ahlych pohori, [Zoogeographical assessment of the hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) of the Nitrianska Kotlina basin and the surrounding mountains], Biologicke Prace VIII(b) Entomologicke Problemy, Bratislava, 2: 5 – 28, Slovak, ru, de

Dai Xuan (1993)  [A preliminary study on rearing of Syrphus serarius (Diptera: Syrphidae)], Natural Enemies of Insects. China, 15(2): 68 – 72, Ch, en

Daminova DB (1975)  K biologii khishchnuikh mukh - Paragus tibialis Flln., [On the biology of the predatory fly - Paragus tibialis Flln.]: 88 – 92, Kh.Sh. Khairutdinov & AG Davletshina (eds), [Ecology and biology of the animals of Uzbekhistan. Pt 1. Invertebrates], Fan, Tashkent, Ru

Dirickx HG (1998)  [ Catalogue of synonyms and geography of the Syrphidae (Diptera) of the Afrotropical region ]. Catalogue synonymique et géographique des Syrphidae (Diptera) de la région Afrotropicale.  Museum d’histoire naturelle Geneve.  187pp, Fr. (donated by Andy Whittington)

Dlusski GM (1984)  [Are Dipteran insects protected by their similarity to stinging hymenoptera ?], Byull Mosk O-Va Ispytatelei Prirody Otd Biol 89(5): 25-40, Ru

Dong H & Xiong H (1988)  [Rearing of the adults of Metasyrphus corollae (F.) (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Chinese Journal of biological Control, 4: 155 – 158, Ch, en

Drees M (1997)  [On the mimicry of hymenoptera by hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae)], Entomol. Z 107: 498-503, De

Drees M (1999)  Erfahrungen mit der Aufzucht von Temnostoma bombylans (Fabricius, 1805) und T. vespiforme (Linnaeus, 1758) aus den Larven (Diptera, Syrphidae)], [Experiences with rearing the larvae of Temnostoma bombylans (Fabricius, 1805) and T. vespiforme (Linnaeus, 1758) (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Volucella, 4: 121 – 126, De, en

Du Y-Z & Chen X-Z (1993) [Influence of different aphid prey on the development of Metasyrphus corollae (Dipt., Syrphidae)], Chinese Journal of biological Control, 9(3): 111 – 113, Ch, en

Dudel H (1978) Vergleichende funktionsanatomische Untersuchungen über die Antennen der Dipteren.II. Cyclorrhapha (Aschiza and Schizophora - Acalyptratae), [Comparative functional and anatomical studies on the antennae of Diptera. II. Cyclorrhapha (Aschiza and Schizophora - Acalyptratae)], Zoologisches Jahrbuch, Abteilung Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 99: 301-370, De, en

Dunk K von der (1993)  [The hoverfly Microdon devius associated with wood ants (Dipt., Syrphidae)], Berichte Kr. Nürnbg. Ent. "Galathea", 9(2): 49-52, De

Dusek J & Laska P (1967) Versuch zum Aufbau eines natürlichen Systems mitteleuropäischer Arten der Unterfamilie Syrphinae (Diptera), [A study of the structure of a natural classification of central European species of the subfamily Syrphinae (Diptera)], Acta Scientarum Naturalium Brno 1: 349-390, De, en

Eberle G (1982)  Schnabelfliegen - von der dungfressenden Larve zum spezialisierten Blütengäst, [Snout-flies (Rhingia): from a coprophagous larvae to a specialized flower-visitor], Ber Ver Nat Heimat naturhist Mus Lübeck 17/18: 109-122, De

Eckstein F (1920)  [A syrphid larva from the larval galleries of Hylobius abietis L.], Naturwiss. Z. Forst. und Land. 18: 178-182, De

Ent L-J van der (1985)  Zweefvliegen en bloemen op weg naar Baraque Michele, [Hoverflies and flowers on the way to Baraque Michele], Amoeba, Amsterdam, 59(8): 23 – 25, Du

Fan Yonggui & Zheng Fangqiang (1990)  [Determination of predatory function of the late instar larvae of Lasiopticus pyrastri (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Natural Enemies of Insects. China, 12(3): 105 – 107, Ch, en

Franz JM & Tanke W (1979)  [Side-effects of herbicides and their metabolites on beneficial arthropods], DFG Herbizide, pp 9-17, De

Fukasawa N (1972)  [Use of Eristalis cerealis in strawberry culture ], Shokobutsu Boeki (Plant Protection), Tokyo, 26: 479 – 483, Ja

Fukaya M (1950)  [The natural enemies of the crop pests]: 1 – 119, Kawade Shobo, Tokyo, Ja

Gabritschevsky E (1924)  [Colour polymorphism and genetics of mimetic varieties of the fly Volucella bombylans and other 'bee-like' Diptera], Z. indukt. Abst.- Ververbungslehre, Berlin 32: 321-353, De

Gäbler H (1930) Die postembryonale Entwicklung des Tracheensystems von Eristalis tenax L., [The post-embryonic development of the tracheal systems of Eristalis tenax L.], Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 19: 427-492, De

Gäbler H (1932) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Eristalis-Larven (Dipt.), [Contribution to knowledge of Eristalis-larvae (Dipt.)], Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 93: 143-147, De

Gäbler H (1935) Über die Funktionsfähigkeit der Stigmenhörner einiger Dipterenlarven und -puppen, [On the function of the stigmal horns of some Dipteran larvae and pupae], Biologisches Zentralblatt 55: 182-187, De

Gao JF, Zhang GX, Qin YC, Yu K, Li MH & Qin Y (1993)  [Field survey on the overwintering of syrphids in Changbai mountains, and experiments on artificial protection of the overwintering syrphid flies], Chinese Journal of biological Control, 9(3): 142 – Ch (kindly provided by Peter Hondelmann)

Giacomini E (1900)  [Contribution to knowledge of the internal organization of Eristalis tenax and its significance], Contributo alle conoscenze suu'organizzazione interna e sullo sviluppo dell'"Eristalis tenax L." , Annali della Faculta di Medicina della Accademia Medico-Chirurgica di Perugia. Universita di Perugia 12(3/4): 131-220, It

Gladis T (1989)  [The utilization of local insects (Hymenoptera & Diptera) as pollinators of crops in the Gatersleben gene-bank], Kulturpflanze 37: 79-126, De

Gladis T (1990) Die Nutzung einheimischer Insekten (Hymenopteren und Dipteren) zur Bestäubung entomophiler Kulturpflanzen in der Genbank, [The utilization of native insects (Hymenoptera & Diptera) for pollinating entomophilous crop plants in the gene bank], Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universität Halle 39(5): 22-24, De

Gladis T (1993) Laborzucht einiger Eristalinen (Diptera, Syrphidae) und Möglichkeiten für ihren Einsatz in der Pflanzenzüchtung. [ Laboratory rearing of some eristalines (Diptera, Syrphidae) and the possibility of their use in plant cultures ] Verhandlungen der westdeutscher Entomologentag. Düsseldorf. 1993: 139-152, De

Gladis T (1994a)  [Rearing methods and beneficial likelihood for native insects as pollinators of outcrossing cultivated plant species], 10-23 in C Hedtke (ed) [ Wild bees ]. Schriftenreihe des Länderinstituts für Bienenkunde

Gladis T (1994b)  [Establishment and utilization of a mass rearing of Eristalis tenax (Diptera, Syrphidae) in the Gatersleben genebank], Insecta, Berlin 1(3): 287-294, De

Grinfel'd EK (1955)  [The feeding of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) and their role in the pollination of plants], Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie. Moscow, 34: 164 – 166, Ru

Gross J (1903) Untersuchungen über die Histologie des Insectenovariums, [Studies on the histology of the insect ovarium], Zoologisches Jahrbuch, Abteilung Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 18: 71-186, De

Grosser N (1979)  Zur tageszeitlichen Aktivität von Syrphus corollae (Fabr.) und Epistrophe balteata (Deg.) (Diptera, Syrphidae), [A contribution to the daily activity of Syrphus corollae (Fabr.) and Epistrophe balteata (Deg.) (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Entomologische Nachrichten. Berlin, 23(10): 150 – 153, De, en, ru

Grosser N & Klapperstück J (1977)  Ökologische Untersuchungen an Syrphiden zweier Agrobiozönosen, [Ecological studies on syrphids in two agrobiocoenoses], Hercynia, NF, Leipzig, 14: 124 – 144, De

Gruhl K (1924) Paarungsgewohnheiten der Dipteren, [Mating habits of Diptera], Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 122: 205-280, De

Grunin K (1939)  [Oviposition and development of the larvae of Rhingia rostrata L. (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Byull Voronezh Obshch estestvoisp gos Univ 3(1): 59-62, Ru

Guo Junfeng et al (1992)  [A chief report on the artificial rearing of Paragus quadrifasciatus], **

Hase A (1926)  Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lebensweise der Eristalis-Larven (Diptera),  [Contribution to knowledge of the habits of Eristalis larvae (Diptera)],  Zoologischer Anzeiger. Leipzig 68: 33-51, De

Heikertinger F (1918)  [The honeybee mimicry of Eristalis - a critical study], Z Wiss Insektenbiol 14: 1-5; 73-79, De

Hellrigl K (1992) Die Fichtenharzfliege Cheilosia morio Zett. (Diptera, Syrphidae) als physiologischer Schädling an Fichten in Südtirol, [On the spruce resin fly, Cheilosia morio Zett. (Diptera, Syrphidae), a physiological pest of spruces in South Tyrol], Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde, Pflanzen- und Umweltschutz. Berlin, 65: 33 – 36, De, en

Heqvist K-J (1957)  [On the larva of Temnostoma apiforme Fabr. (Diptera, Syrphidae)], Ent Tidskr  78: 29-3, De

Herrmann R (1967)  Beutefangverhalten von Blattlausprädatoren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung gustatorischer Beuteerkennung von Syrphidenlarven. [ On the search for prey and feeding of aphidophagous syrphid larvae ]. Entomologische Abhundlungen der staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden 32: 341-351

Hölldobler K (1929)  [On the development of the hoverfly Xanthogramma citrofasciatum in the nests of Lasius alienus and niger], Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig 82: 171-6, De

Holmgren N (1904)  [On the morphology of the insect head: some notes on the reduction of the head in dipteran larvae], Zoologischer Anzeiger  27: 343-355, De

Ikezaki Y & Ariga F (1975)  [Puparium of Volucella nitobei Matsumura], Nature & Insects. Tokyo, 10(14): 27 – En

Kabos WJ (1943)  Eischaal-structuren bij Syrphiden, [Eggshell structure in syrphids],  Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 86: 43-44, Du

Kantyerina NF (1979)  [Biological characteristics of syrphid flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) in the Orlovksi Region], Byull Nauchno-Tekhn Inf Vses Nauchno-Issled Instit zernobobovykh i Krupianykh Kul’tur 24: 37-40, Ru

Karelin VD (1977a)  [Some peculiarities of the ecology of predatory hoverflies], in [Biological methods of vegetable pest control], Stiinca, Kishinev, Ru

Karelin VD (1980a) Obosnovaniye ispolzovaniya sirfid, [Conditions for the use of syrphids], Zashchita Rastenii. Leningrad, 1980(11): 40 – 41, Ru

Karelin VD (1980b)  K ustanovleniyu vidovoi prinadlezhnosti yaits zhurchalok (Syrphidae), vstrechayushchikhsya v sadu, [Determination of orchard syrphid species by eggs]: 46 – 56, Entomophaga of agricultural pests, Stiinca, Kishinev, USSR, Ru

Karelin VD & Bradovskaya NP (1974)  Vliyaniye postoyannoi temperaturui i vlazhnosti na razvitiyepreimaginalnuikh stadii Scaeva (Lasiophthicus) pyrastri L. (Diptera - Syrphidae), [Effects of permanent temperature and humidity on the development of the preimaginal stages of Scaeva (Lasiophthicus) pyrastri L. (Diptera - Syrphidae)]: 31 – 34, AA Kuzin (ed), Entomophags, phytophags and microorganisms in plant protection, Stiinca, Kishinev. 88 pp, Ru

Karelin VD & Shijko ES (1978)  Khraneniye khishchnuikh mykh sirfid, [Keeping predatory syrphids ]: 26 – 30, Biological methods in vegetable pests and diseases control, Stiinca, Kishinev, USSR, Ru

Kassebeer CF (2000) Die Schwebfliegen (Diptera, Syrphidae) des Lopautals bei Amelinghausen. I. Nachtrag,  [ The hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Lopautal near Amelinghausen. I. Addition ], Dipteron 3(2): 109-128, De, en

Kato M (1950)  [On the larvae of Volucella tabanoides Motschulsky, taken in the nest of Vespula lewisi Cameron], Shin Konchu. Tokyo, 3(2): 30, En

Kobayashi M (1972)  [Problems in the utilisation of Eristalis cerealis as pollinator], Shokubutsu Boeki 26: 473-8, Ja

Kobayashi M (1979)  [A study on multiplication and utilization of insects pollinating horticultural crops], Bulletin of the Iwate Horticultural Experiment Station, Special Issue, 1: 1 – 167, Ja, en   [rtf format]

Krivosheina NP (1969) Ontogenez i evolutsiya dvukruiluikh nasekomuikh, [Phylogeny and evolution of dipterous flies] 291 pp (translated for USDA & NSF, USA, in 1978), Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Moscow, Russia

Krivosheina NP & Mamaev BM (1962) Larvae of the European species of the genus Temnostoma (Diptera, Syrphidae), Entomological Review Washington 41: 570-575

Krivosheina NP & Mamaev BM (1967) [Catalogue of Dipterous larvae living in wood ], Izdatel'stvo 'Nauka', Moscow (UDK 595.77)

Krotova IG (1994)  [Parasites of aphidophagous Syrphidae (Diptera) from cereal crops of west Siberia], Entomological Review, Washington (transl of Ent Obozr), 73(3): 153 – 158, En

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