School of Economics

Older Discussion Papers 2010-1997


10/17 Christos Koulovatianos A Paradox of Environmental Awareness Campaigns
10/16 Aniruddha Bagchi and Arijit Mukherjee Technology licensing in a differentiated oligopoly
10/15 Arijit Mukherjee Product market competition and unionized wage
10/14 Arijit Mukherjee and Yingyi Tsai Managerial incentives and social efficiency of entry
10/13 Leonard F.S. Wang and Arijit Mukherjee Undesirable Competition
10/12 Arijit Mukherjee Endogenous cost asymmetry and insufficient entry in the absence of scale economies
10/11 Soumyananda Dinda and Arijit Mukherjee Competition versus efficiency
10/10 Mark Roberts Firm formation and economic growth: the effects of labour union bargaining power and of worker mobility
10/09 Arijit Mukherjee and Yingyi Tsai Technology licensing with strategic tax policy
10/08 Richard Kneller and Edward Manderson Environmental compliance costs and innovation activity in UK manufacturing industries
10/07 Arijit Mukherjee Social efficiency of entry with market leaders
10/06 Raphaela Hyee and Julio R. Robledo Specialization in the bargaining family
10/05 Arijit Mukherjee Technology licensing under convex costs
10/04 Arijit Mukherjee Price discrimination in oligopoly with asymmetric firms
10/03 Alessandra Guariglia, John Tsoukalas, Serafeim Tsoukas Investment, irreversibility, and financing constraints in transition economies
10/02 Arijit Mukherjee A note on firm-productivity and foreign direct investment
10/01 Philip Arestis, Georgios Chortareas, John D. Tsoukalas Money and Information in a New Neoclassical Synthesis Framework












04/16 Arijit Mukherjee Collusion With Asymmetric R&D
04/15 Arijit Mukherjee Strategic Second Sourcing In a Vertical Structure
04/14 Bouwe R. Dijkstra An Investment Contest To Influence Environmental Policy
04/13 Young-Sook Lee, Tae-Hwan Kim and Paul Newbold Revisiting The Martingale Hypothesis for Exchange Rates
04/12 Mark Roberts Pareto-Improving Pension Reform Through Technological Innovation
04/11 Arijit Mukherjee, Udo Broll and Soma Mukherjee Entry in a Vertically Separated Industry: Price VS. Quantity Competition
04/10 Tim Lloyd, Steve McCorriston, Wyn Morgan and Tony Rayner Food Scares, Market Power and Relative Price Adjustment in the UK
04/09 Tim Lloyd, Steve McCorriston, Wyn Morgan and Tony Rayner Price Transmission in Imperfectly Competitive Vertical Markets
04/08 Erwin Amman and Alex Possajennikov Evolution in Symmetric Incomplete Information Games
04/07 M. Emanrul Haque and Arijit Mukherjee On The Revenue Implications of Trade Liberalisation Under Imperfect Competition
04/06 Arijit Mukherjee and Soma Mukherjee Domestic vs. Foreign Competition With Licensing
04/05 Arijit Mukherjee Price and Quantity Competition Under Free Entry
04/04 Michael Bleaney, Spiros Bougheas and Ilias Skamnelos Interactions Between Banking Crises and Currency Crises: A Theoretical Model
04/03 Alex Possajennikov Evolutionary Stability Of Constant Consistent Conjectures
04/02 Lars Christian Moller Sharing Transboundary Rivers Fairly and Efficiently
04/01 Indraneel Dasgupta and Prasanta K. Pattanaik 'Regular' Choice and the Weak Axiom of Stochastic Revealed Preference


03/24 Robert E. Carpenter and Alessandra Guariglia Cash flow, investment, and investment opportunities: New tests using UK panel data
03/23 Parantap Basu and Alessandra Guariglia Foreign Direct Investment, Inequality and Growth
03/22 Arijit Mukherjee and Soma Mukherjee Licensing and Welfare Reducing Competition
03/21 Richard Cornes and Jun-ichi Itaya Models With Two or More Public Goods
03/20 Bouwe R. Dijkstra and Daan P. van Soest Environmental Uncertainty and Irreversible Investments in Abatement Technology
03/19 Piercarlo Zanchettin Differentiated Duopoly With Asymmetric Costs: New Results From a Seminal Model
03/18 Tim Lloyd, Steve McCorriston, Wyn Morgan and Tony Rayner Food Scares, Market Power and Relative Price Adjustment in the UK
03/17 Richard Cornes and Roger Hartley Loss Aversion and the Tullock Paradox
03/16 Michael Bleaney and R. Todd Smith Prior Performance and Closed-End Fund Discounts
03/15 Michael Bleaney and Manuela Francisco Exchange Rate Regimes and Inflation - Only Hard Pegs Make a Difference
03/14 Tae-Hwan Kim and Christophe Muller Two Stage Quantile Regression When The First Stage Is Based On Quantile Regression
03/13 Arijit Mukherjee and Soma Mukherjee Where to Encourage Entry: Upstream or Downstream
03/12 Richard Cornes and Mehrdad Sepahvand Cournot Vs Stackelberg Equilibria with a Public Enterprise and International Competition
03/11 Mark A Roberts Bismarckian and Beveridgean Pay-As-You-Go Pension Schemes Where the Financial Sector is Imperfectly Competitive
03/10 Youn-Sook Lee Intraday Predictability of Overnight Interest Rates
03/09 Stephen Leybourne, Tae-Hwan Kim and Paul Newbold Examination Of Some More Powerful Modifications Of The Dickey-Fuller Test
03/08 Emi Mise, Tae-Hwan Kim and Paul Newbold The Hodrick-Prescott Filter at Time Series Endpoints
03/07 Tai-Hwan Kim, Young-Sook Lee and Paul Newbold Spurious Regressions with Processes around Linear Trends or Drifts
03/06 Arijit Mukherjee Bertrand and Cournot Competitions in a Dynamic Game
03/05 Arijit Mukherjee and Soma Mukherjee Welfare Effects of Entry: The Impact of Licensing
03/04 Richard Cornes and Roger Hartley Aggregative Public Good Games
03/03 Arijit Mukherjee Ber trand Vs. Cournot Competition in Asymmetric Duopoly: The Role of Licensing
03/02 Arijit Mukherjee and Enrico Pennings Imitation, Patent Protection and Welfare
03/01 Arijit Mukherjee Licensing in a Vertically Separated Industry


02/16 Christophe Muller The Geometry of Comparative Statics
02/15 Cihan Yalcin, Spiros Bougheas and Paul Mizen Corporate Credit and Monetary Policy: The Impact of Firm-Specific Characteristics on Financial Structure
02/14 Michael Bleaney and Mark A. Roberts International Labour Mobility and Unemployment
02/13 Bouwe Dijkstra Samaritan vs. Rotten Kid: Another Look
02/12 Bouwe Dijkstra Time Consistency and Investment Incentives in Environmental Policy
02/11 Simona Mateut, Spiros Bougheas and Paul Mizen Trade Credit, Bank Lending and Monetary Policy Transmission
02/10 Spiros Bougheas Imperfect Capital Markets, Income Distribution and the 'Credit Channel’: A General Equilibrium Approach
02/09 Eric Fisher and Mark A. Roberts Funded Pensions, Labour Market Participation and Economic Growth
02/08 Richard Cornes and Roger Hartley Dissipation in rent-seeking contests with entry costs
02/07 Michael Bleaney The Aftermath of a Currency Collapse: How Different are Emerging Markets?
02/06 Indraneel Dasgupta Consistent Firm Choice and the Theory of Supply
02/05 Mark A. Roberts Can pay-as-you-go pensions raise the capital stock?
02/04 Mehrdad Sepahvand Privatisation in a Regulated Market open to Foreign Competition
02/03 Mark A. Roberts Can the capital gains arising from an unfunded pensions reform make it Pareto-improving?
02/02 Mark A. Roberts Employment Under Wage-only and Wage-employment Bargaining: the Role of the Government Budget Constraint
02/01 Mark A. Roberts Central Wage Setting under Multiple Technological Equilibria: a Mechanism for Equilibrium Elimination


01/14 John Creedy and Alan Duncan Aggregating Labour Supply and Feedback Effects in Microsimulation
01/13 Alan Duncan, Gillian Paull and Jayne Taylor Price and Quality in the UK Childcare Market
01/12 Spiros Bougheas and Tim Worrall Cost Padding in Regulated Monopolies
01/11 Richard Cornes and Roger Hartley Disguised Aggregative Games
01/10 Richard Cornes and Roger Hartley Asymmetric contests with general technologies
01/09 Marta Aloi and Huw Dixon Entry Dynamics, Capacity Utilisation, and Productivity in a Dynamic Open Economy
01/08 Marta Aloi and Laurence Lasselle Growing Through Subsidies
01/07 Martyn Andrews, Steve Bradley and Richard Upward Employer Search, Vacancy Duration and Skill Shortages
01/06 Spiros Bougheas and Yannis Georgellis Apprenticeship Training, Earnings Profiles and Labour Turnover: Theory and German Evidence
01/05 Ilias Skamnelos Sunspot Panics, Information-based Bank Runs and Suspension of Deposit Convertibility
01/04 Claudio Piga and Joanne Poyago-Thooteky Shall We Meet Halfway? Endogenous Spillovers and Locational Choice
01/03 Christophe Muller Defining Poverty Lines as a Fraction of Central Tendency
01/02 Paul Newbold and Tae-Hwan Kim Unit Root Tests Based on Inequality-Restricted Estimators
01/01 Spiros Bougheas Optimism, Education and Industrial Development


00/30 Claudio Zoli Inverse Stochastic Dominance, Inequality Measurement and Gini Indices
00/29 S.J. Leybourne, P. Newbold, D. Vougas and T. Kim A Direct Test for Cointegration Between a Pair of Time Series
00/28 Richard Cornes and Roger Hartley Rentseeking by Players with Constant Absolute Risk Aversion
00/27 Indraneel Dasgupta Gender Biased Redistribution and Intra-Household Distribution
00/26 Michael Bleaney and Marco Gundermann Credibility Gains and Output Losses: A Model of Exchange Rate Anchors
00/25 Michael Bleaney, Norman Gemmell and Richard Kneller Testing the Endogenous Growth Model: Public Expenditure, Taxation and Growth over the Long-Run
00/24 Joanna Poyago-Theotoky Voluntary Approaches, Emission Taxation and the Organization of Environmental R&D
00/23 Richard Cornes and Roger Hartley Joint Production Games and Share Functions
00/22 Michael Bleaney Investor Sentiment, Discounts and Returns on Closed-end Funds
00/21 Christophe Muller Price Index Distribution and Utilitarian Social Evaluation Functions
00/20 Gwendolyn C. Morrison Expected Utility and the Endowment Effect: Some Experimental Results
00/19 Tae-Hwan Kim and Halbert White James-Stein Type Estimators in Large Samples with Application to the Least Absolute Deviation Estimator
00/18 Tae-Hwan Kim, Douglas Stone and Halbert White Asymptotic and Bayesian Confidence Intervals for Sharpe Style Weights
00/17 S.McCorriston, C.W.Morgan and A.J.Rayner Price Transmission: the Interaction Between Firm Behaviour and Returns to Scale
00/16 John Beath, Robert Owen, Joanna Poyago-Theotoky and David Ulph Optimal Incentives for Income-Generation within Universities
00/15 Michelle Haynes, Steve Thompson and Mike Wright The Determinants of Corporate Divestment in the UK
00/14 Michelle Haynes and Steve Thompson The Productivity Impact of IT Deployment: An Empirical Evaluation of ATM Introduction
00/13 Tae-Hwan Kim, Stephen Leybourne and Paul Newbold Asymptotic Mean Squared Forecast Error when an Autoregression with Linear Trend is Fitted to Data Generated with an I(0) or I(1) Process
00/12 Tae-Hwan Kim, Stephen Leybourne and Paul Newbold Unit Root Tests with a Break in Variance
00/11 Claudio Zoli Inverse-sequential Stochastic Dominance: Rank-dependent Welfare, Deprivation and Poverty Measurement
00/10 Gwendolyn C. Morrison Embedding and Substitution in Willingness to Pay
00/09 Christophe Muller Transient-Seasonal and Chronic Poverty of Peasants: Evidence from Rwanda
00/08 A. Ghoshray, T.A. Lloyd and A.J. Rayner EU Wheat Prices and its relation with other major wheat export prices
00/07 Marta Aloi, Hans Jørgen Jacobsen and Teresa Lloyd-Braga Endogenous Business Cycles and Stabilisation Policies
00/06 Spiros Bougheas and Paul Downward The Economics of Professional Sports Leagues: a Bargaining Approach
00/05 Sourafel Girma A Quasi-differencing Approach to Dynamic Modelling from a Time Series of Independent Cross Sections
00/04 Michael Bleaney Financial Fragility and Currency Crises
00/03 Michael Bleaney Inflation as Taxation: Theory and Evidence
00/02 Spiros Bougheas, Panicos Demtriades and Edgar Morgenroth International aspects of public infrastructure investment
00/01 Tae-Hwan Kim and Christophe Muller Two-stage Quantile Regression


99/37 Tae-Hwan Kim, Stephen J. Leybourne and Paul Newbold Spurious Rejections by Perron Tests in the Presence of a Misplaced or Second Break under the Null
99/36 Christophe Muller The Properties of the Watts' Poverty Index under Lognormality
99/35 Ciaran O'Neill and Zoe Philips An Application of the Hedonic Pricing Technique to Cigarettes in the United Kingdom
99/34 Paul Newbold Tony Rayner Christine Ennew and Emanuela Marrocu Futures Markets Efficiency: evidence from unevenly spaced contracts
99/33 Paul Newbold, Tony Rayner, Christine Ennew and Emanuela Marrocu Testing seasonality and efficiency in commodity futures markets
99/32 Christophe Muller The Watt's Poverty Index with Explicit Price Variability
99/31 Mariam Camarero and Javier Ordóñez Who is Ruling Europe? Empirical Evidence on the German Dominance Hypothesis
99/30 Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson Utilitarianism and the Theory of Justice
99/29 Taradas Bandyopadhyay, Indraneel Dasgupta and Prasanta K. Pattanaik A Stochastic Generalization of the Revealed Preference Approach to the Theory of Consumers Behaviour
99/28 Indraneel Dasgupta Welfare Analysis in a Cournot Game with a Public Good
99/27 Richard Disney Declining Public Pensions in an Era of Demographic Ageing: Will Private Provision Fill the Gap?
99/26 John Creedy and Norman Gemmell The Built-In Flexibility of Consumption Taxes
99/25 Robert Breunig and Indraneel Dasgupta Towards an Explanation of the Cash-Out Puzzle in the US Food Stamps Program
99/24 M. Conyon, S. Girma, S. Thompson and P. Wright The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Profits and Employee Remuneration in the United Kingdom
99/23 Yongsheng Xu No-Envy and Equality of Economic Opportunity
99/22 Yongsheng Xu Measuring the Standard of Living - An Axiomatic Approach
99/21 Walter Bossert and Hans Peters Efficient Solutions to Bargaining Problems with Uncertain Disagreement Points
99/20 Indraneel Dasgupta Wage Subsidy, Cash Transfer and Individual Welfare in a Cournot Model of the Household
99/19 Emmanuel Petrakis and Joanna Poyago-Theotoky Technology Policy in an Oligopoly with Spillovers and Pollution
99/18 David Fielding and Paul Mizen Relative Price Variability and Inflation in Europe
99/17 Indraneel Dasgupta, Subodh Kumar and Prasanta K. Pattanaik Consistent Choice and Falsifiability of the Maximization Hypothesis
99/14 Chris Milner, Paul Mizen and Eric Pentecost A Cross-Country Panel Analysis of Currency Substitution and Trade
99/13 Michael Bleaney, Stephen J. Leybourne and Paul Mizen Mean Reversion of Real Exchange Rates in High-Inflation Countries
99/10 Richard Disney, Andrew Henley and Gary Stears Housing Costs, House Price Shocks and Savings Behaviour Among Older Households in Britain
99/07 Zhihao Yu Environmental Protection and Free Trade: Indirect Competition for Political Influence
99/04 Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson Functional Equations and Population Ethics
99/03 Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson Rationalizable Variable-Population Choice Functions
99/02 Walter Bossert Intersection Quasi-Orderings: An Alternative Proof
99/01 Indraneel Dasgupta Stochastic Production and the Law of Supply


98/22 Gwendolyn C. Morrisson, A. Neilson and M. Malek Improving the Sensitivity of the Time Trade-Off Method: Results of an Experiment Using Chained TTO Questions
98/21 Gwendolyn C. Morrison The Endowment Effect and Expected Utility
98/20 Richard Disney Crises in Public Pension Programmes in OECD: What Are the Reform Options?
98/19 Norman Gemmell, Oliver Morrissey and Abuzer Pinar Fiscal Illusion and the Demand for Local Government Expenditures in England and Wales
98/18 Richard Disney and Amanda Gosling Does It Pay to Work in the Public Sector?
98/17 Steven J. Humphrey Non-Transitive Choice: Event-Splitting Effects or Framing Effects
98/15 Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson The Value of Limited Altruism
98/14 Richard Kneller, Michael Bleaney and Norman Gemmell Growth, Public Policy and the Government Budget Constraint: Evidence from OECD Countries
98/13 T. A. Lloyd, C. W. Morgan and A. J. Rayner Policy Intervention and Supply Response: the Potato Marketing Board in Retrospect
98/11 Matt Ayres Extensive Games of Imperfect Recall and Mind Perfection
98/10 Norman Gemmell, Oliver Morrissey and Abuzer Pinar Taxation, Fiscal Illusion and the Demand for Government, Expenditures in the UK: A Time-Series Analysis
98/08 Walter Bossert and Hans Peters Minimax Regret and Efficient Bargaining under Uncertainty
98/07 Walter Bossert and Hans Peters Multi-Attribute Decision-Making in Individual and Social Choice
98/06 Walter Bossert Opportunity Sets and the Measurement of Information


97/17 Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson Price-Independent Welfare Precriptions and Population Size
97/12 Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson Rationalizable Solutions to Pure Population Problems


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